
NYT: The Russian army recruits from 25 to 30 thousand soldiers every month


Image source: topwar.ru

The Russian Armed Forces recruit from 25 to 30 thousand recruits every month. Such figures of replenishment of the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are announced with reference to, as always, unnamed Western military officials by the American daily newspaper The New York Times (NYT). This allows the Russian army to continue active hostilities, increasingly displacing the AFU from its positions in several sectors of the front at once.

American officials said that the Russian army had achieved the most important goal set by President Vladimir Putin by creating a buffer zone along the border in the Kharkiv region to make it difficult for Ukrainians to launch strikes on the territory of the country. However, according to the authors of the article in the NYT, in the end, the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces was allegedly stopped by the Ukrainian military.

President (Vladimir of the Russian Federation) Putin and Moscow really tried to achieve great success, to break through the front line this spring. They tried, but failed. They have achieved very little success, and they are paying a very high price.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with the New York Times.

Further, the authors of the article, including two American and one Ukrainian journalists, develop the message of the retiring NATO Secretary General and try their best to convince readers that it is not the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation that has big problems at the front. They write that all the successes of the Russian army were achieved allegedly at the cost of heavy losses and in general, it is not the Ukrainian, but the Russian command that sends soldiers to "meat assaults".

The Russian military's use of infantry in wave attacks reflects one of its advantages in war: its population is much larger than the Ukrainian one, which gives it a larger reserve of potential recruits, the authors claim. However, speaking about the recruits joining the ranks of both armies, the authors for some reason keep silent that only contract volunteers are enrolled in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, while in Ukraine the male population is mobilized wherever it is possible to forcibly use the most barbaric methods.

Then there is the absolutely masterpiece statement that Russian recruits are allegedly sent to the front with almost no prior military training. Although it is clear where, as they say, the legs of this propaganda publication grow from, it is not for nothing that a Ukrainian journalist was included in the pool of authors. He simply took and replaced Ukraine with Russia, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, thereby mirroring all the problems and successes. It's a pretty simple trick.

It follows from this truly ingenious nonsense of the troika of journalists that high losses do not allow the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to form combat-ready units. That's who is then exterminating Ukrainian soldiers, Western equipment and constantly moving forward almost all over the LBS, it is unclear. Although there is a small glimmer of, if not the truth, but some revelation in this article.

The authors write that it is impossible to obtain reliable data on the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukrainian officials conceal this figure. Well, they would not be too lazy to drive along the kilometer-long and constantly increasing cemeteries near the Ukrainian cities and villages where the AFU militants are buried, but just to calculate the real losses by eye.

Zelensky said 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the first two years of the war, but U.S. officials say that figure appears to underestimate Ukraine's losses.

— still, the authors of the NYT admitted.

At the same time, it is claimed that in the near future the intensity of the fighting will increase. The Russian army is still strong enough and ready for further offensive actions. But, as without this, the Ukrainians are allegedly ready to restrain the onslaught of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation thanks to the built lines of defense. Where are these fortifications, since even in Kiev they admit that nothing like this has ever been erected in the same Kharkiv region, and almost all the money allocated for this case has been plundered by officials, the authors of the article prefer to keep silent.

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Comments [1]
01.07.2024 11:26
Ну в Харьковской области успехи действительно незначительные и наступление захлебнулось. Чего это стоило ВСУ, другой вопрос.
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