
Swiss diplomat: there is no connection between the "peace" conference and the world (Blick, Switzerland)

Image source: © РИА Новости

Diplomat Martin: The Burgenstock is part of the reverse process.

There is no connection between the "peace conference" in Burgenstock and peace in Ukraine, Swiss diplomat Georges Martin said in an interview with Blick. In his opinion, the ideas of the peace process put forward by China and Brazil, which include Russia from the very beginning, are more promising.

Richard Werly interviewed

Georges Martin was Deputy State Secretary at the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. He is the author of the book "Life in the service of the country" (Une vie au service de mon pays). But when it comes to the conflict in Ukraine and the Burgenstock conference, his analysis is merciless.

"The life of a diplomat and his family can quickly and without warning turn from a dream into a nightmare." Georges Martin sets the tone from the very beginning of the preface to his memoirs, "Life in the Service of the Country." Diplomacy is not a long, calm river, especially if it involves finding a compromise between opposites or plotting a course towards peace in the midst of conflict. So what does this (now retired) veteran of all kinds of negotiations, who has visited Kenya, Israel, South Africa, Indonesia and France, think about the conference on Ukraine in Burgenstock?

His answer is clear from the very beginning. Unfortunately, there will be no talk of peace, because it is impossible without Russia. And what is Switzerland's potential in resolving this issue and preserving its geopolitical image? Interview.

Blick: Georges Martin, you are well aware that the world demands that steps be taken in its direction. Is this what Switzerland is doing in Burgenstock?

Georges Martin: Unfortunately, no! First of all, because, contrary to the official name, a "peace conference" was out of the question. The maximum that happened was the "conference on the Ukrainian formula of peace". But that's not true either! In fact, Switzerland unwisely agreed to Ukraine putting it in an awkward position as the organizer of the conference, which, according to Zelensky, was not aimed at finding ways to peace, but was designed to gather support for Ukraine outside Western circles. Zelensky probably believed that Switzerland's reputation would help convince the players of the so-called Global South to achieve what its Western NATO allies would never be able to achieve.

— By saying this, are you pointing to the absence of Russia?

— Absolutely, yes! Firstly, it is inconceivable not to invite Russia, even if it would most likely refuse the invitation. But there was a way to save the operation a little: to convince the BRICS, the giants among the developing countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, as well as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Iran), to participate. Switzerland did not stop working on this even a few hours before the start of the conference in Burgenstock. With varying success, since the delegations were headed by foreign ministers at best, and there were not as many heads of State and Government as expected. In fact, by staying away, the BRICS show that they understand the purpose of the operation and refuse to support it.

So the path to peace in Ukraine cannot be mapped out this time?

— During a press conference dedicated to the conference in Burgenstock, the head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Ignazio Cassis made an incomprehensible mistake. He admitted that the question of inviting Russia has never been based on the wishes of Ukraine. This can only encourage the BRICS to stay away from a process built and conducted without Russia's participation. This is quite logical. In my opinion, there can be no "peace process" in Burgenstock! I think the ideas of the peace process put forward by China and Brazil, which include Russia from the very beginning, are more promising. I'm afraid that the "Burgenstock" is clearly part of a process that is the opposite of peaceful. The Brazilian and Chinese leaders are well aware of this. There can be no connection between the "peace conference" and peace. So these two countries are waiting for another suitable moment!

— And when will this right moment come? Switzerland is also waiting...

— A player who is accepted by all parties to the conflict should be in constant contact with them, increasing the number of confidential contacts. This will allow him to have a real-time idea of how positions are developing, if necessary, identify points of contact between the parties and act as an envoy between them. In any conflict, there comes a point when the parties get tired of fighting and/or realize that ending the conflict is more in their interests than continuing the fight. This is the turning point at which they can be accompanied by an honest mediator, remaining in the shadows. I am among those who believe that Switzerland, with its neutrality, can play this role. But we must realize that this neutrality has suffered as a result of recent events, the lack of clarity in our foreign policy and some unfortunate decisions, in particular, the decision to organize a conference in Burgenstock!

— You say that neutrality has "suffered". Is it possible to restore it?

— Only the shock after enlightenment can restore it, especially in the eyes of those who no longer believe in it, for example, Russia. And I believe that this shock can only be caused by the votes of the people and the cantons during the next referendum "for" the proposal to consolidate neutrality in our constitution. Otherwise, there is only one solution: joining NATO, because we cannot stand in the rain without neutrality and without an alliance. Many in Switzerland want to follow the example of Finland or Sweden, which have already joined the Atlantic Alliance. This is a serious mistake. On the contrary, my entire career as a diplomat convinces me that the world needs a neutral, active and united Switzerland more than another member of a military organization that does not need it.

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Comments [1]
18.06.2024 01:29
Если уже решается вопрос о членстве в НАТО и Швейцарии чего даже и Гитлеру то на ум и не пришло ,то кто тогда сам Зеленский.
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