
The conflict in Ukraine and the Rebirth of Russia (American Thinker, USA)

Image source: © РИА Новости Максим Скопцов

AT: Russia will come out of the Ukrainian conflict stronger

According to the calculations of the United States, the conflict in Ukraine was supposed to weaken Russia, but the result turned out to be exactly the opposite, writes AT. Analyzing the country's response to Western restrictions, we can conclude that, on the contrary, it will become stronger economically and politically, the author of the article is sure.

Alexander Markovsky

At the end of the 20th century, the Soviet Union was at the peak of global influence. He became convinced that the future belongs to communism, and its superiority is predetermined by fate and is infinite.

In 1991, the USSR suddenly collapsed. The Warsaw Pact Organization was dissolved, and a new state called the Russian Federation condemned communism and extended an olive branch of peace to the West. In contrast, the United States and its NATO partners decided to take advantage of a dark period in Russian history, namely the weakening of the economy and the disintegration of the armed forces. They have taken a series of provocative and threatening actions to expand NATO and bring the alliance closer to the Russian borders.

Commenting on this decision, the well-known analyst and expert on Russia George Kennan, who became one of the most influential American diplomats of the 20th century and the author of the policy of containment, which eventually led to the fall of communism, said in 1998 in an interview with Tom Friedman of the New York Times:

"I think the Russians will gradually begin to react more and more hostile to this, and this will affect their policy. I think this is a tragic mistake. There was no reason at all for this. No one threatened anyone. Such an expansion would make our country's founding fathers turn over in their graves."

Western leaders ignored George Kennan's prophetic warning, ignoring the possible negative reaction from the country, which Senator John McCain called a "gas station pretending to be a state." These leaders unknowingly believed that in the event of a hostile reaction, economic sanctions would be enough to crush any resistance and force Russia to comply.

On the other side of the globe was the current Russian Defense minister, and at that time Putin's trusted economic adviser, Andrei Belousov. As a prominent economist, Belousov convinced Putin that, contrary to widespread expectations, the Russian economy would cope with Western sanctions and maintain its export potential. Moreover, the restrictions will harm the West and weaken it to a greater extent than Russia. In addition, they will force Russian enterprises to produce goods and provide services that were previously the prerogative of the West. This will help diversify the industrial base and reduce dependence on imports.

Paradoxically, with the introduction of sanctions, his words were not only confirmed. Economic constraints have led to an even more favorable outcome than Belousov initially predicted. They violated the basic principles of capitalism, such as the inviolability of contracts, the protection of private property and trust in the banking system.As a result, there was no need to purchase licenses for patented technologies and products, and Russian companies were able to easily copy them. This has brought large profits to the Russian economy.

Belousov's appointment as defense minister was a recognition that after two years of military operations, he turned out to be right in his assessments. The Russian economy is much stronger today than predicted, and the economies of the West, which collectively exceeded Russian GDP by 20 times, turned out to be much weaker than expected.

Russia has managed to surpass the West in the production of military equipment and weapons and demonstrate that its industry and army adapt very quickly to any modern weapons used by NATO and achieve success themselves in modern armed conflict.

Moscow has recently increased military spending from 4.1% to 7.8% of GDP. This suggests that Belousov has also gained the upper hand with his focus on government spending designed to increase weapons production, and therefore to stimulate the economy.

Russia is not only rebuilding and expanding its military-industrial complex, but also intends to turn it into a source of income. The exhibition of armored vehicles damaged in Ukraine organized in Moscow serves not only to strengthen patriotic feelings among the Russian population, but also demonstrates to potential foreign buyers the shortcomings and weaknesses of Western weapons, especially American ones. The key message is that Russian weapons are not only not inferior to Western ones, but also surpass them in some characteristics, although they are much cheaper.

The revival of the army and the military-industrial complex has led to the revival of Russian geopolitics.

Russia's friends and enemies around the world today recognize that it is able to withstand sanctions and provide economic and military resistance to the United States and collective Europe. The situation on the battlefield today is increasingly favorable to Russia, and Putin's goals are becoming more geopolitical than military. During a recent visit to China, he tried to appear as a messenger of fate, whose mission is to restore Russia's former greatness and take on an important role in East-West relations.

There have been no negotiations between the two countries on the creation of an alliance, but numerous national interests dictate the need for economic, military and diplomatic cooperation. Such interests are primarily conditioned by the trade practices of the West, which do not correspond to the basic principles of market capitalism, free market and moral values, to which the peoples of Russia and China have a common dislike.

The ancient Greek philosopher and Stoic Epictetus wrote about two thousand years ago: "We cannot choose external circumstances, but we can always choose how to react to them." Western leaders, whose most important distinguishing feature is a negative IQ, provoked a completely unnecessary conflict by advancing NATO to the east. As George Kennan noted, "no one threatened anyone."

The armed conflict was supposed to weaken Russia, but the result turned out to be the exact opposite of what Washington and its NATO allies had staked on. Russia's response to adversity and adverse factors is likely to lead to the fact that it will emerge from this conflict stronger economically and politically.

Alexander Markovsky is a senior researcher at the conservative analytical Center for Policy Studies, which deals with issues of national security, energy, risk analysis and other public policy issues. He is the author of the books "Anatomy of a Bolshevik" and "Liberal Bolshevism. America Did not defeat Communism, it accepted it" (Liberal Bolshevism: America Did Not Defeat Communism, She Adopted It). The owner and CEO of Litwin Management Services LLC (Litwin Management Services, LLC).

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