
The Polish-Czech military exercises practiced the night landing of parachutists and the capture of the airfield


Image source: topwar.ru

At the Dravske training ground in Poland, the Polish-Czech military exercises practiced the night landing of parachutists and the capture of the airfield. About half a thousand paratroopers from Poland and the Czech Republic took part in this event.

The message about the exercises was published in the journal Polska Zbrojna.

According to the scenario of maneuvers conducted as part of the Swift Response 24 exercises, after the capture of the airfield and its surroundings, the paratroopers had to hold their positions until the approach of armored and mechanized units.

Image source: topwar.ru

The landing itself was not extreme. The paratroopers from the Krakow brigade were the first to jump from the plane from a height of about two thousand meters, so they did not need oxygen devices. Guided parachutes were used for the jump. The landing was carried out at night. The task of the landing unit was to reconnoiter the location and strength of the conditional enemy before the main forces landed.

The main forces landed that night from the aircraft of the 3rd Tactical Aviation Wing. These were paratroopers from the same Krakow brigade, as well as their colleagues from the Czech 43rd Airborne Regiment. The landing was carried out from a height of 300 meters, after which the allies began to capture the airfield of the imaginary enemy.

Almost in parallel with these exercises, the largest NATO airborne training operation, Joint Forcible Entry, is taking place in Romania. Two thousand paratroopers from six alliance states intend to take part in it.

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