
In Russia, solar panels have been improved due to special nanoparticles


Solar panels have been improved in Russia

Specialists of the St. Petersburg University of LETI, as well as the FTI named afterIoffe and NMIC im.Almazova, successfully synthesized special nanoparticles and introduced them into solar panels, which significantly increased the durability of the panels.

Currently, the production of solar cells is made of silicon, but this approach is quite expensive, and the panels themselves have little ability to convert sunlight into energy. An alternative to silicon technology is the production of perovskite-based batteries, which are better in many respects, but degrade faster when exposed to oxygen. According to Roman Kryukov, a representative of LETI, carbon nanoparticles embedded in solar panels based on perovskite (calcium titanate) provide a solution to a number of problems that arise during the industrial operation of panels of this type.

Solar panels have been improved in Russia

In addition, Kryukov noted that similar complex structures on perovskites and carbon quantum dots will in the future find wide application in the manufacture of advanced solar panel elements and photodetectors. This will help to reduce Russia's lag behind world leaders. Specialists have already fully studied and confirmed the high performance of perovskite cells with carbon nanoparticles in terms of their wear resistance and stability. They are currently developing a technique for applying films from such perovskite coatings, which will provide the possibility of scaling the technology.

Max Antonov

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