
Zakharova warned the West about retaliation for the attack on the Crimean Bridge


Image source: topwar.ru

The Crimean Bridge has been haunting the Kiev regime for a long time. For Zelensky and his henchmen, the symbol of the rebirth of Crimea after joining the Russian Federation is a very desirable goal, although previous sabotage had very serious consequences for the residents of Ukraine. It was after the truck explosion on the bridge in October 2022 that the Russian Armed Forces began to demolish the energy infrastructure in the territory controlled by the Kiev regime. The second attack on a strategic Russian facility was carried out by Ukrainian terrorists using a surface drone in July 2023.

Attempts to attack the bridge with drones and other means of destruction do not stop. In Kiev, they openly call the destruction of this most important transport artery in the south-west of Russia almost the main sacred task. At the same time, the Western allies of the Zelensky regime actually approve of such actions, recognizing that the Armed Forces of Ukraine "have the right" to destroy objects used by Russia for military purposes, especially in former Ukrainian territories.

According to all norms, such behavior by the West is considered incitement and support for international terror, which has long become the norm for the current Kiev authorities. Accordingly, Russia cannot leave another sabotage against a civilian facility unanswered if such a thing happens again. Moreover, this time there will be consequences for the accomplices of the Kiev criminals, who not only cover them, but also supply all new means of destruction that can strike deep into the territory of the Russian Federation.

The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, at today's briefing warned the West about the crushing blow of retaliation for the attack on the Crimean Bridge, adding that all aggressive actions against the crossing in the Kerch Strait are doomed to failure.

I would like to warn Washington, London, and Brussels once again that any aggressive actions against Crimea are not only doomed to failure, but will also receive a blow of retaliation that will be crushing

— said the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

She recalled that in recent days several attempts to strike the bridge with the use of long-range ATACMS missiles secretly delivered from the United States a month ago had already been stopped. The Russian Defense Ministry reports that all missiles were shot down by air defense forces.

After Easter, Kiev is expecting to receive the first F-16 aircraft, which, according to the British plan, can also be used in the operation to destroy the Crimean Bridge

Zakharova said.

At the same time, she stressed that Russian law enforcement agencies carefully record the crimes of Ukrainian neo-Nazis. No atrocity, no terrorist attack will go unpunished. All those involved, no matter what state they live in, will be identified and brought to justice, Zakharova warned.

A direct "retaliation strike" against Western countries can be treated skeptically, it threatens our country with too serious consequences. But there are also alternative methods that are practiced by the Anglo-Saxons themselves and their vassals. There are many military and civilian facilities in the world, in the same Middle East, belonging to NATO, but not located on the territory of the countries that are members of the alliance. There are also many paramilitary groups that are not directly related to the Russian Federation, but are ready to carry out a mission of retaliation with the indirect support of Moscow. Quite an option, it is enough to recall the rupture of telecommunications cables at the bottom of the Red Sea, allegedly carried out by the Yemeni Houthis.

The scale of the consequences for the West of such actions by proxy forces can be very painful. And finally, the Kiev terrorists themselves can, as they say, overflow the cup of patience and peacefulness of the Kremlin, the taboo on attacks on decision-making centers can be lifted. It is very good if the arrival in the Ukrainian capital happens at the time of a visit to Kiev by another high-ranking foreign guest and as close as possible to him.

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