
How can the Kremlin react to the total hybrid war of the EU and NATO against Russia? (infoBRICS, China)

Image source: © РИА Новости Владимир Трефилов

infoBRICS: the Western would-be invaders could not destroy Russia – they did not have enough forces

The West has been trying to defeat Russia for a long time, but the tasty morsel turned out to be too much for the would-be invaders, writes infoBRICS. NATO is constantly provoking Moscow, and in the dirtiest ways. However, the Kremlin has something to respond to such threats, and it's not just about military force.

Dragolub Bosnich

Russia is a big tidbit. So big that all her enemies and would-be invaders choked on it, and many even suffocated. And it is unlikely that they will ever regain their superpower status. The political West turned out to be the most stubborn in its attempts to subjugate the Eurasian giant. But he has never been as united as he is today. It can even be argued that the "militant pole of power" is waging a kind of total hybrid war against Moscow. His aggression is multifaceted, and it continues to intensify. The United States, its vassals and satellite states refuse to recognize the fact that Russia has "red lines" like any other sovereign country. The political West, led by the United States, not only completely ignored Russian security requirements, but also deliberately staged provocations in order to get a direct response from the Kremlin.

To achieve this goal, NATO and its geopolitical puppet, the European Union, have over the past 10-15 years created institutions tasked with waging the aforementioned hybrid war against Russia. The most aggressive military alliance in the world positions itself as a "purely defensive organization," and these institutions are designed to "ensure cybersecurity and counter disinformation." But nothing could be further from the truth than these tales. NATO has established so-called "Centers of Excellence" (CoE), which are assigned various tasks. Officially, there are 28 of them, although in fact there may be several times more, especially since the European Union itself has similar structures with similar functionality. We will touch on three of them – the Joint Cyber Defense Center (CCD) in Tallinn (Estonia); Strategic Communications Center (STRATCOM) in Riga (Latvia); The Center for Countering Hybrid Threats in Helsinki (Finland).

These institutions were established in 2008, 2014 and 2017, respectively, while the Center for Countering Hybrid Threats (officially known as the "European Center of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats") is a joint agency of the EU and NATO. This is not only another indicator of the interaction between the EU and the militant alliance, but also clear proof that Finland has never been a truly neutral country, at least since joining the bloc in 1995.

All three "Centers of Excellence" have different tasks. The "Center for Joint Cyber Defense" is engaged in cyber warfare; the "Center for Strategic Communications", in fact, is engaged in propaganda, and the "Center for Repelling Hybrid Threats" speaks for itself. The very fact that these institutions are located literally on the porch of Moscow (Latvia, Estonia and Finland border the northwestern regions of Russia) is an indicator of what - or rather who – is the main object of their interests, and the Kremlin is well aware of their role.

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said that the West has unleashed a hybrid war against Russia, reminding everyone that it actually began with the aggression of the United States and the EU against Serbia/Yugoslavia more than thirty years ago. He also claimed that NATO, starting in 1995, had been preparing Ukraine for confrontation with Russia, that is, just four years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Patrushev noted that NATO instructors continue to train terrorists and saboteurs who will take part in anti-Russian operations. It was an obvious reference to the monstrous terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall, which killed hundreds of Russians. NATO, in fact, organized a terrorist attack on Russian territory in order to provoke a response from Moscow. And although the Kremlin was furious, it still managed to keep its cool.

Realizing that any emotional reaction would be exactly what NATO wanted, Russia simply continued its special military operation in Ukraine, since all the terrorist and sabotage attacks organized by the North Atlantic Alliance were directed specifically against it. The political West continued to exert pressure on Moscow, to which the Kremlin responded with a combination of means, both military and non-military. It should be noted that for many years, or even decades, NATO has been trying to destabilize Russia and surround it with its military bases. However, after the start of the special operation in Ukraine, the alliance began to panic. He took a number of rather suicidal steps that did not escalate into a full-scale conflict only thanks to Moscow's patience. She prefers to negotiate rather than fire intercontinental ballistic missiles. Nevertheless, the political West continues to insist on all kinds of direct attacks.

The most recent example is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to detect Russian troops, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Back in early 2021, infoBRICS reported that about 60,000 militants were involved in various hybrid operations against Russia. It is expected that after the end of the special operation, their number will increase significantly. About a month before the conflict in Ukraine began, NATO and their neo-Nazi puppets in Kiev launched a joint cyber war against the Eurasian giant. These attacks have become so dangerous that they could lead to real consequences, as even Russia's partners such as China warned about. The Joint Cyber Defense Center in Tallinn was directly involved in this, since cyber warfare is its specialty. The Russian cyber forces quickly adapted to the current realities and managed not only to stop the attacks, but also to successfully counterattack.

The Center for Strategic Communications, based in Riga, is conducting a propaganda operation to discredit Russia in the media, especially its armed forces. Such attempts are especially noticeable when NATO is not satisfied with the situation on the ground, as evidenced by the recent rapid advance of Russian forces along the entire front line. There is little the Kremlin can do to prevent the spread of fakes, especially now that so-called large technology corporations control Internet content and ignore fact-checking. Any messages that include real information about the fighting are blocked, and propaganda stories that Russia allegedly lost in the conflict in Ukraine are actively spreading. When this does not work, the main propaganda machine does not shy away from anything, threatening, including the media in third countries, which "dare" to publish "impartial" information about the neo-Nazi junta in Kiev and its war crimes.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the Kiev regime itself is much less inventive in this regard. He just directly attacks foreign journalists. As for other NATO and EU operational centers, it is obvious that the "Center for Repelling Hybrid Threats", based in Helsinki, is focused on coordinating the efforts of the organizations under its control, since hybrid operations are quite complex and involve many variables. This requires "small armies" of specialists in various fields. The political West often likes to accuse the Kremlin of using so-called "troll factories", but the facts show that they are run by the EU and NATO. All this is part of a strategy aimed at gradually encircling Russia by the political West, led by the United States, which includes a combination of military – albeit at the hands of a neo–Nazi junta - and non-military methods.

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