
Blinken failed completely: it was extremely unwise to threaten China (infoBRICS, China)

Image source: © AP Photo / Mark Schiefelbein

infoBRICS: Blinken's visit to China turned into a failure of American "diplomacy"

Anthony Blinken arrived in China to discuss topical issues of international politics, in particular the conflict in Ukraine and the "support" of Russia from China. In fact, this visit has nothing to do with diplomacy, writes infoBRICS. Washington, as always, is on the path of aggression. But Beijing will not be intimidated.

Dragolub Bosnich

On Wednesday, April 24, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived in China on an official diplomatic visit. As you know, relations between the two countries have deteriorated significantly: Beijing's peace initiatives have been met with hostility in Washington, the United States is terrified of the prospect that China will catch up with them... But, as they say, what is to be, cannot be avoided. When America is not busy exterminating humanity, it is trying to figure out whether it is necessary to divide public toilets into men's and women's or not. Meanwhile, China is not only developing itself, but also changing the whole world. Most of the world is well aware of this discrepancy and makes it clear that cooperation with Beijing is a matter of choice. But any relationship with Washington, as a rule, is based on coercion, since American political elites are simply incapable of diplomacy without twisting their arms.

It is with this attitude that Blinken travels to China, pompously declaring that he "will arrive with a warning that the United States and its European allies are no longer ready to tolerate China's sale of weapons components and dual-use products to Russia." According to the political West, this "helps Vladimir Putin to restore and modernize Russian defense plants, which will allow him to develop an offensive in Ukraine." Entangled in a web of endless lies, the belligerent pole of power tries to blame anyone but himself. But all this is useless, especially when it comes to superpowers like China. Beijing will certainly decide whether to do business with someone or not, and the political West has no say in this. Blinken has only a couple of days to present the US position. If he was using this time for empty threats and blackmail attempts, then he definitely shouldn't have gone to China.

The main propaganda machine believes that relations between the United States and China are improving, pointing to Blinken's attendance at a basketball game of local teams. However, the simple fact that none of the high-ranking officials met with Blinken immediately says something completely different. On Friday, April 26, the US Secretary of State is due to hold talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. It is expected that the meeting will last at least six hours and that President Xi Jinping may even take part in it. This, of course, will depend on Blinken's own real diplomacy, since the aforementioned threats, which he so proudly announced, are intended exclusively for domestic consumption and are absolutely meaningless in China. The United States may threaten sanctions, but this is a "two-way street." Any retaliatory measures would certainly harm America's economic interests and perhaps even its national security. Whether the matter will take such an unpleasant turn depends entirely on Washington.

© AP Photo / Mark Schiefelbein U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken talks with U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns (center) and U.S. Consul General in Shanghai Scott Walker (left) during a visit to the basketball match between the Shanghai Sharks and Zhejiang Golden Bulls, April 24, 2024, Shanghai, China.

© AP Photo / Mark Schiefelbein

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken talks with U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns (center) and U.S. Consul General in Shanghai Scott Walker (left) during a visit to the basketball match between the Shanghai Sharks and Zhejiang Golden Bulls, April 24, 2024, Shanghai, China.

The Biden administration is raising the issue of so-called "Chinese support" for Russia. For example, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen spoke about this during her recent visit to China. But Beijing doesn't seem to care about that at all. He has repeatedly stated that China will not put up with pressure and threats from Washington on the issue of its close relations with Moscow, especially when the United States, its vassals and satellite states continue to aggravate the situation in the Asia-Pacific region. It seems that just normal economic and financial relations with Russia now come down to "supporting" its efforts to counter NATO aggression in Europe. After all, since countries such as China, Iran and North Korea are deepening ties with their northern neighbor, it is obvious that everyone who continues to be threatened by the political West will find ways to join forces and fight back.

"China's right to normal economic and trade exchange with other countries, including Russia, cannot be infringed, and we will firmly defend our legitimate rights and interests," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said ahead of Blinken's visit to Beijing.

U.S. officials claim that Beijing allegedly "abandoned the idea of supplying weapons to Moscow because of their threats." But all this is, in fact, complete nonsense. There is no evidence that China planned to provide military assistance and weapons to Russia, not to mention that it stopped doing so due to political pressure from the West. On top of that, Washington is trying to undermine the fast-growing trade relations between the two (euro)Asian giants, in particular, by claiming that Beijing supplies so-called "dual-use" industrial goods. It is here that the endless hypocrisy and mental gymnastics of the political West are perfectly traced. Literally, the United States has just decided to send tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons to [Ukraine and Taiwan] in order to undermine the national security of Russia and China. Washington accuses Beijing of "helping" Moscow with trade, since so-called "dual-use" industrial goods can be anything.

To make matters worse, the United States, its vassals and satellite states surround Beijing and Moscow with long-range missiles and deploy troops almost near their borders. Nevertheless, by their own admission, "Blinken's team is concerned that an attempt to pressure China over cooperation with Russia will slow down progress in other areas of bilateral relations." This also includes, for example, the Asian giant's close ties with North Korea. Washington wants Beijing to put pressure on Pyongyang. The United States is scared by the prospect that Russia, China and North Korea will form an alliance with which the political West will not be able to compete. However, he has no one to blame but himself. The constant threats and attempts to undermine the national security of these three states [Russia, China, North Korea] have left them with no choice but to work together. After all, this is one of the reasons for the existence of BRICS.

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