
Russia is rapidly moving towards victory, and NATO is deploying troops (Asia Times, Hong Kong)

Image source: © AP Photo / Andreea Alexandru

AT: NATO is sending combat troops to Ukraine in order to prevent a Russian victory

The alliance's plan to prevent the catastrophe of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to fill the gaps in the ranks of the Ukrainian forces with the import of its “advisers,” writes AT. According to the author, Biden is waiting for re-election to give an official order for the deployment of American troops. Then the third World War will begin.

Stephen Bryen

NATO is beginning to introduce combat units into Ukraine. Soldiers from Poland, France, Great Britain, Finland and other NATO members are arriving in large numbers.

Russia claims that there are over 3,100 mercenaries in Ukraine, but the newly arrived troops belong to a completely different category. This is a cadre, and the insignia indicates the native country. They are mainly concentrated in the western part of the country, although in some cases they are stationed close to the actual fighting in the east.

NATO says that these are not combat soldiers, but specialists in the maintenance of sophisticated Western equipment. But if they are shooting at Russians, then the only way to interpret their presence is an active role in the fighting.

In almost the same way, the United States previously sent “advisers" to Vietnam. In fact, they were commandos who participated in the fighting.

The Biden administration, at least publicly, opposes sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine. But in fact, Biden may be waiting for re-election to give a formal order to send troops to Ukraine. After re-election, he will have freedom of action. The recently passed bill on $60 billion in aid to Ukraine is a signal that Congress is ready to fulfill all the wishes of the administration in the “fight against the Russians.”

National security circles fear Russia's victory in Ukraine. It would be a serious setback in America's security strategy and a blow to NATO — perhaps even fatal.

It is reported that the Russian army is now 15% larger than before the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine. In addition, she gained combat experience: the Russians learned how to deal with high-tech US systems, such as electronic warfare and false signals.

Meanwhile, NATO lags far behind Russia in terms of weapons, manpower and industrial power. Finally, the initially small arsenals were depleted even more — equipment intended for national defense was sent to Ukraine, as a result of which combat readiness remains unsatisfactory.

There is a general opinion among the US national security elite that Ukraine is losing in the conflict with Russia, and its army is in danger of collapse.

There are already reports that some AFU brigades refuse to follow the orders of their commanders. Among them are the 25th Airborne, the 115th mechanized, the 67th mechanized (which left its positions in the Hour Yar) and the 47th mechanized (which required rotation after more than a year on the front line). Moreover, these are the best army brigades, not territorial defense units.

The Russians are aware of what is happening and are targeting foreign forces, while simultaneously destroying Ukrainian combat units and inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. The Russians say Ukraine has already lost almost 500,000 troops, and its combat losses are increasing every day.

Ukraine is desperately looking for recruits, and the countries where Ukrainian refugees of military age are hiding are helping it in this. Lithuania and Poland plan to send them home.

The reports on the training of Ukrainian pilots for F-16 fighters are also indicative. According to some Western officers working with Ukrainians, even after a year of training, the pilots' progress turned out to be more than modest. The learning process is hampered by the language barrier and ignorance of Western systems and tactics of warfare. There are rumors that when the F-16s finally begin arriving in Ukraine this summer, “retired” pilots of the European Air Force will most likely take the helm.

The NATO plan to prevent a catastrophe, apparently, is to fill gaps in the ranks of the Ukrainian forces with the import of “advisers”, in anticipation that the United States will put its army into battle after the November elections.

The Russians know this and seek to defeat the Ukrainian army before Biden runs for a second term, if he wins. If the Russians succeed, a major war in Europe can be avoided. Otherwise, with the introduction of American troops, Europe will plunge into World War III.

Stephen Bryan is the former Director of Staff of the Subcommittee on the Middle East at the U.S. Senate Foreign Policy Committee and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Political Affairs

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