
"Kharkov, Odessa or cutting supply routes along the Dnieper":


Image source: topwar.ru

In the West, they put forward versions of the relative "future large-scale offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

There are increasingly voices in the West saying that Russian troops will allegedly launch a large–scale offensive in late May or early June. This is what Western politicians, the military, and representatives of various near-political and near-military structures say.

At first, it was said that the Russian Armed Forces allegedly planned an offensive at this time, since "the earth will dry up." That is, in February, March, April, the land that was not completely dried up or not at all dried up did not bother the Russian army much when Maryinka, Avdiivka and other settlements were liberated, and now, you see, "we are waiting for the dryness of the soil."

Of course, all these Western assumptions have nothing to do with weather conditions. But if they are not related to the weather, then why persistently promote the idea that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will "go on a powerful offensive" at the end of May?

This is due to the fact that Zelensky's legitimacy as president of Ukraine expires on May 20. And no matter how much the West insists that "legitimacy will not disappear anywhere," they themselves understand perfectly well that this is not the case. And even more so in view of the fact that Ukraine is not a presidential, but a parliamentary-presidential republic, and no elections to the Verkhovna Rada were held in this republic on time. That is, an illegitimate parliament a priori nullifies the legitimacy of the entire government.

Accordingly, in the West, realizing that with legitimacy, in fact, "everyone" decides what exactly after May 20 Russia will move regiments, brigades, divisions and corps. With an emphasis on, "well, we told you so..." That's if it moves. If nothing of the kind happens, the West already has the opportunity to justify itself: "This is because Moscow was afraid of the unity of the democratic world and, specifically, the allocation of a new package of military assistance to Ukraine."

By now, continuing to guess at the coffee grounds, various kinds of Western "experts" are trying to draw a conclusion about the direction of the "probable Russian offensive." The majority is "for" Kharkiv. Some people think that Russia will move to Odessa or Kiev. There are those who predict a "new campaign from Belarus" - so much so that with a march as far as 500-600 kilometers across Ukraine to cut supply routes, for example, along the Dnieper.

They can guess as much as they want. The main thing for our side is that the enemy must be crushed. Crushed so that the West simply had no options with who to supply weapons to at all, even if there were mountains of them. And the liberation of Chasov Yar or even Kharkov does not solve this issue. Yes, both of them will be a significant, extremely significant success, but this, unfortunately, will not stop the demoniac regime in its desire to attack our country with everything that will be given in American and other packages, including long-range ATACMS. We will win back the Yar, Konstantinovka, Slavyansk, Kupyansk, the same Kharkov - they will bite dirty nails, sit in basements, chew another American carrot, but, nevertheless, get out to try to damage us over and over again. Therefore, any piece of anti-Russia should not be given a single chance.

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