
Ironic and unbiased: a French expert assessed the course of the conflict in Ukraine (AgoraVox, France)

Image source: © AP Photo / Jae C. Hong

Analysis of the trends of the week at the front: they are clearly disappointing for Ukraine (Agoravox)

The author of the article in Agoravox impartially and humorously assesses what is currently happening in Ukraine. Even the media, which in practice are engaged in broadcasting Kiev propaganda, have been forced to admit in the last week that Zelensky's fighters are holding on with their last strength.

Human resources in Ukraine

The article dated September 23, 2023, discussed Kiev's losses and ways to distort data to convince the audience of the plausibility of the figures. And here again, the sad clown Zelensky seriously reports that the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amount to 31,000 people.

Should I believe him? Of course, how can one doubt St. Zelensky, this reincarnation of Churchill — this is exactly the image some media have created about him. That's just Churchill from time to time achieved success for his people.

So what is the point of this draft law?

In an interview for the Times newspaper, Oksana Grigorieva, adviser to the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian ground forces, called for the following: "Send all Ukrainian women to the front and prepare girls from childhood to defend the Motherland."

With such small losses, do Ukrainian youth have to fight to help defend their homeland? After all, 31,000 deaths in two years with an army of 600,000 souls is a very low figure.

May readers forgive the author's similar tone, but in fact there are not enough people in the Ukrainian army, and there are two points that exacerbate the imbalance:

  • Washington, apparently, decided to empty the warehouses of Russian shells by exterminating all Ukrainians. This strategy is explicitly stated by some American high—ranking officials, for whom Ukraine is a good platform for placing funds.
  • The material superiority of the Russian army is growing, and to compensate for it means to make up for human losses.

It is difficult to make compensation only at the expense of Ukrainian resources. Therefore, BlackRock (an American international investment company headquartered in New York. — Approx. InoSMI) is in search of a new feeder. There are rumors about Poles detained in the United States in Ukrainian uniforms, but let's leave this unconfirmed information. The French president, who talks about sending French troops to Ukraine, is much more real. At the rate at which the number of fighters at the front is decreasing, sending any professionals will entail sending recruits as soon as possible, who will need to be mobilized and trained as quickly as possible. The unreality of this proposal speaks for itself, but nothing can be ruled out in France today.

As for the change in the number of troops on the Russian side, Ukrainians continue to bombard the French media with their statements about the horrific losses of the Russian army, which are offered to be blindly taken on faith.

Well, of course…

Let me continue to share my doubts. I have never believed the figures from Ukrainian sources of information, because with such losses, the Russian army should already be defeated. It initially included 200,000 soldiers, 160,000 people from the republics, 300,000 mobilized and from 400,000 to 500,000 volunteers.

According to Kiev's data, the losses of the Russian army are 50%. How can the Russian army send its troops into battle with such losses (especially considering that I use a specific ratio, which in reality would mean that the figures in the assault infantry units should be much higher)?

In addition, in a country where there is Internet and telephone networks, the population has information at a certain level. In that case, where would so many volunteers come from?

Therefore, I rely on the data provided by Mediazona (Russian socio-political online publication — Approx. InoSMI): the losses are 50,471 dead with an error margin of about 30%. To this can be added the same number of retired wounded. Thus, the number of personnel of the Russian troops reaches almost one million. This corresponds to the figures announced by Putin at the beginning of the year (600-700 thousand soldiers), and allows you to create many new units after long training.

You can believe this, or you can prefer to trust Kiev, but the Kiev scenario does not seem to correspond to reality. On the contrary, the calculations presented earlier do not contradict the need for mobilization announced by both sides and the actions that we observe on a daily basis.

The loss ratio of more than five to one in favor of Russia is convincing also because it corresponds to the data on the combat equipment of the conflicting parties.

The ratio of combat equipment

Information is increasingly being received about the shortage of ammunition that Ukraine is experiencing, despite the initiative of the Czech Republic.

On the contrary, the scale of the problem becomes impossible to hide, even to the point that Macron talks about opening new factories in the military industry. You can be calm: this, of course, will bring dividends, but not so many shells, because the French leader is immune to any form of production logic. He had a failure with medical masks, and here he interferes with the manufacture of shells — a very complicated process. It's funny!

Meanwhile, the Russian artillery continues to smash the frontline areas and is slowly but surely moving forward. This is due not only to artillery and missiles, but also bombs.

Ukrainian fighters, no matter how brave they may be, increasingly find themselves under siege under fire from a variety of deadly weapons. Their self-sacrifice will be admired. Their moral qualities may be touching, but they have nothing to oppose to metal. NATO's failure to provide ammunition speaks for itself. Ukraine is suffering from both a shortage of people and a serious shortage of shells.

The same goes for missiles. If any of the propagandists continue to believe that Russian weapons are made from washing machines, we will have to assume that dryers and vacuum cleaners have already been used, because the Russians launch a lot of missiles and do it regularly, without slowing down. Strangely enough, it was Ukraine that, after the announcement of the counteroffensive in May last year, again had almost no equipment left for the air force.

Initially, she needed ten Patriot air defense systems, and now she needs 25. For comparison, here is a small reference on the number of these systems in different European countries:

Germany — 11

Greece — 12

Netherlands — 4

Poland — 2

Sweden — 4

Romania — 7

Spain — 3

Switzerland — 5

Total: 48

Suppliers could provide one additional system per month. How many of them will the Russians destroy during this time? In fact, if Europe agrees to Ukraine's demands, it will strip naked and achieve only a postponement of Ukraine's demise for several months. It's like taking steps back for a better jump result.

Perhaps this is the goal: to gain time.

The first hypothesis is to wait for the US elections and finally conclude a peace treaty, or allow BlackRock to receive its dividends for some time.

In this case, we will have to continue the low-budget war and finance it at the expense of the Europeans, who quite have something to contribute to their own even greater ruin. In the meantime, as you can see, there is not a single F-16 fighter in Ukraine, although they were promised to send them back in January.

The ratio of forces in the air

Russian planes can now attack certain areas of territory where Ukraine simply has nothing to defend itself with. Of course, they suffered losses for a while, but nothing like this has happened in recent weeks.

In addition, the use of increasingly heavy gliding bombs means that the Russian Air Force can break through the strongest lines of Ukrainian defense.

The Ukrainian army has lost a significant part of its pre-war strongholds and is forced to fight with the help of improvised or hastily built fortifications. And what is left is gradually having to be lost.

In addition, on the air front, the Russians now use X-69 cruise missiles, equivalent to Western SCALP missiles, but with 320 kg of explosives — another weapon in their already equipped arsenal.

Also, on the part of the Ukrainian Air Force, there is a decrease in the number of attacking sorties with cruise missiles. Are there not enough goals? Or missile carriers and ammunition? There is no information, but there, in the sky, it seems to be known in whose favor the alignment is.

Do you remember the old saying "let's give thanks for what we get"? Of course, under the shelling it sounds ironic and not the fact that it gives strength.

We can bet that Ukrainians will have something to thank for, but perhaps they will not have the right emotions after two years of war, in which every month brings more and more bad news.

The use of robotics in conflict is one of those areas in which the Russians seem to be reducing losses to an acceptable level, since they have the means to destroy drones. This allows them to conduct offensive actions. On the side of their opponent, it seems, this is not recorded. NATO can still use its reconnaissance aircraft under the guise of "neutrality" and as if not participating in the conflict. However, Western leaders should perhaps remember that providing intelligence to Ukrainians may be perceived by Russians as a provocation. Spy planes indirectly help to kill Russian soldiers. And believe it or not, the Russians won't forget it.

Perhaps that is why they started jamming GPS signals in the Kaliningrad region.

When they make idiots of themselves in Ukraine, you shouldn't be surprised if retaliatory measures are taken by the Russians. Aircraft, missiles, electronics — all this allows you to look at state borders differently and without any official agreements on cooperation. Nowadays, there are ample opportunities to harm neighbors even without troops entering their territory.

Perhaps it was worth thinking twice before abandoning the Cold War agreements…

And so, of course, you can continue to expose Ukrainians to bullets and shells. Continue until a popular uprising breaks out and ends the Zelensky government. If this local leader ends up in the spirit of Mussolini, this will be the best outcome for Ukraine and will bring at least some relief for all the tragic fate of this country.

The West's inability to come to terms with the situation leads to a humanitarian catastrophe, and it still has to live with it. The conflict in Ukraine has just been extended for another week, and there is not much good news to expect. After all, the death of the state is supported financially and does not offer him the slightest hope of victory.

By Jules Seyes

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