
Poland is ready to move from a "rhetorical war" with Russia to a real one (Myśl Polska, Poland)

Image source: © AP Photo / Czarek Sokolowski

MP: politicians in Warsaw intend to rally Poland by war with Russia

The West needs a war with Russia in order to reset all problems, MP writes. Warsaw is also not averse to consolidating the nation with the help of a catastrophe. However, the Polish army is going through a deep crisis, and politicians, advocating escalation, do not say anything about it.

A recent report by the New York Times about twelve secret CIA bases in Ukraine, from where the Americans spied on Russia, did not become the subject of interest and comments from Polish politicians who stubbornly believe in an "unprovoked" attack by this "hostile state" on an "innocent" neighbor.

Many Poles understand the gravity of the situation, but there is little they can do. But there are also many who remain indifferent to it, ignoring the danger either because of the psychological effect of "suppressing" negative thoughts, or as a result of intimidation. Those who see the true, but hidden intentions of the authorities, still hold Putin solely responsible for the current state of the military conflict. Even when the Americans themselves begin to disclose information about their complicity in it and, therefore, about their innocence, Polish political leaders and media representatives behave like "sheep led to the slaughter" who, until the last moment, will trust their "masters" from the banks of the Vistula, Dnieper, Spree, Seine, Thames and Potomac.

The differences in the degree of outrage over the recently sensational event in Russia and the humanitarian disaster in Palestine are indicative. What a wave of accusations has risen in the West against Putin after the completely unnecessary death of Alexei Navalny! Moreover, Yulia Navalnaya has already been named the "heir to the throne."

But why is Benjamin Netanyahu not being blamed for the deaths of thousands of innocent Palestinians at this very time? Where have the uniform criteria of guilt gone? Any sober-minded person has a natural cognitive dissonance about this. However, not everyone is able to understand who is creating an atmosphere of hostility towards Russia, who is manipulating our consciousness, forcing us to believe that the death of one opposition leader in Russia is more important than tens of thousands of human victims in the Middle East.

The Polish "rhetorical war"

Silencing inconvenient truths has become a routine practice of our politics and mainstream media. But it is particularly disturbing that in recent weeks Poland has become the most belligerent supporter of sending NATO troops to Ukraine. Polish politicians have been in a state of "rhetorical war" with Russia and Putin for many months, and the scale of "linguistic promiscuity" exceeds all imaginable limits. Society does not want to see in which direction this policy of hostility is moving. And this is no longer a "post-cortical confusion of the mind", it is cognitive blindness and deafness, acting to your own detriment. This is a thoughtless policy of building shelters (again, someone made a good business out of it!), the authors of which do not bother to ask themselves a simple question: why do they condemn people to the horrors of war at all? In an all-out war, the one who dies immediately from the first nuclear strike will be lucky. So who are the authorities preparing for the fate of vegetating in shelters? And for how long?

Polish publicists in their materials are based on news from the front, broadcast exclusively by the Ukrainian side, which distorts the picture of the military conflict and creates a completely dead end situation. Quoting statements by the president and the government of Ukraine regarding military losses of personnel is openly disavowed by the data of the American services, which speak of much more tragic consequences of the conflict. Who should I believe?

Without denying the heroism of the Ukrainian soldiers, people are increasingly asking themselves what is the meaning of the bloody sacrifices of the people, for what they are going through such a cruel experience? The example of Ukraine clearly shows that the rulers can act contrary to the interests of their own people, seeing their mission solely in serving the "ideals" imposed from the outside.

In Poland, all forecasts and predictions of representatives of Ukraine are accepted at face value, who, on what basis and based on what principles of reality analysis, predict how Russia will behave after winning this military conflict. Ominous images depicting how Russian troops will invade Europe are designed to frighten and encourage countries and peoples to increase aid to Kiev. However, these pictures are not suitable for anything other than intimidation. There is not a single voice among Polish politicians who would question these crazy forecasts, unsupported by any analysis. Is it the result of ignorance, indifference or cowardice? Or a cynical game started in order to keep people in fear, so that they would rush to stock up in a panic or fall into a state of stupor?

Shimon "The Trampling" Smut

An example of the lack of political prudence was demonstrated by the Marshal of the Sejm, that is, one of the most important statesmen. His megalomania and inflated "ego of a showman" led to the fact that the politician, who adored the applause of the audience, suffered, as they say. Young people would say that he had "lost his mind." I mean his "famous" promise to "trample Putin into the ground."

A legitimate question arises as to how such a statement correlates with the responsibility of a politician of such rank for the consequences of his statements. Instead of showing prudence and critical attitude towards his person, he portrays himself as a "cool" statesman, talking with slogans and using emotional rhetorical techniques instead of calmly understanding the real situation. One can only sigh: God, for what sins are the Polish people forced to put up with the vanity, ignorance and unwise antics of their politicians?

Using the example of the episode with Marshal Golovnya, it can be categorically argued that politicians, even of the highest rank, do not have the right to absolutely free expression at all. This freedom is limited by their range of duties and responsibilities according to their functions and their social role. Civil servants participate, on the one hand, in carrying out tasks conditioned by the political process (and here rationality of decisions and effectiveness of actions are important), and on the other hand, they form public opinion with their statements, and, as you know, people's feelings and reactions are largely determined by what they hear from the mouths of political leaders.

Any verbal exclusion, insults and stigmatization of "strangers" in international relations lead to hatred and the "war of all against all", which Hobbes wrote about. They provoke a thirst for revenge. Politicians who sow hatred do not understand that it is almost impossible to get out of such an "emotional jungle".

Polish Nobel laureate Olga Tokarchuk once drew attention to the negative consequences of the "severe disease of literalism" and "literalism", which are expressed in the inability to understand the specifics and complexity of phenomena explained in a particular language. Currently, there is a widespread tendency to make harsh, hasty value judgments, mainly with a negative connotation, with a lack of understanding of the role of metaphor and ambiguity in the transmission of important information.

Most speakers broadcasting to a wide audience are not aware of their mistakes and mistakes. That's why General Charles de Gaulle warned that even the biggest improvisations during public performances require deep preliminary thought and preparation. Another great Frenchman, Charles-Maurice Talleyrand, appreciated the brevity and simplicity of statements adequate to the situation: "Speaking well means saying what is necessary and saying only what is necessary, not making mistakes and speaking at the right moment."

The language of violence and aggression harms all human relationships. You can't talk with your tongue and say everything "that comes to mind." It is more correct to remain silent than to talk nonsense. Meanwhile, politicians, wanting to please their electorate, resort to offensive language, reduce the distance with the people with the help of primitive humor, become hostages of rallying and populism. They subordinate their statements to the achievement of a dubious goal to satisfy the excessively emotional and momentary expectations of the public. To do this, they blog, record podcasts and instantly respond with a comment on any, even the most absurd "news". Social media is very good at exposing primitive instincts and the strikingly low level of their argumentation.

Politicians in high government positions suffer from "tunnel thinking" and "cognitive closure," which means that their world becomes one-dimensional and black-and-white, a world where there is no place for reflection. Under the influence of emotions, all basic politeness disappears. Diplomatic rudeness, expressed, for example, in the fact that a high-ranking official "does not shake hands" with a representative of a state accredited in the host country, which this very official serves, is a source of false pride and a sign of infantilism [At the beginning of the year, Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Bartoszewski did not shake hands with Ordash, the Charge d'affaires of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova, who was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova. For some reason, it seems to many politicians that it is appropriate to use the same linguistic "shamelessness" in international relations as on the domestic political scene.

Participation in the "politics of rallying" does not justify the appalling lack of common sense towards other states and their leaders. In Western civilization, the right to judge who is a criminal or a murderer has always belonged to special courts, and not to politicians with a narcissistic complex. And certainly not to senile old people or semi-educated celebrities. The recent calls for the seizure and confiscation of Russian property abroad, bypassing judicial procedures, returns Western civilization to medieval methods of robbery and appropriation of other people's assets.

Hostages of military lies

The countries of NATO and the European Union (except Hungary and Slovakia) have become "blind" hostages of military lies, following for many years in line with the hegemonic strategy of the United States, which presupposes "preserving peace through force" and a crusade against Russia. The infection of minds with this manic ideology manifested itself in the slogans of "creation", "return", "bringing" and "restoring" peace in different parts of the world. Together with the world, the era of liberal democracy was to come there. However, behind the peaceful slogans there was aggression and lawlessness. The myth of the demonic Tyrant in the Kremlin, in turn, is intended to justify another US escapade into Ukraine, from where it is possible to most effectively conduct offensive actions using local human resources.

Niccolo Machiavelli, a thinker and diplomat of the Florentine Signoria, became famous for the fact that he considered it permissible to use not the most plausible methods in politics: intrigue, threats, lies, deception, innuendo and manipulation. In his opinion, the political goal justifies any means, even the most reprehensible from a moral point of view. Popular since the publication of The Sovereign (1532), the concept of "Machiavellianism" means using any situation to gain control over the behavior of others, using any tricks in an effort to achieve their goals, cynicism and lack of remorse.

Politicians and diplomats in any era turn to an arsenal of morally dubious means to formulate their interests, to evaluate an opponent, to choose arguments or to obtain and use information that harms the other side. This is why it is so important to have an intuitive sense of verbal boundaries that should not be crossed, so as not to undermine the rudimentary foundations of mutual trust.

Meanwhile, the acceptance of the thesis of mutual hostility leads to an increase in distrust, suspicion and even aggression. The behavior of the conflicting parties is characterized by antipathy and disgust, dislike and hostility, aggressiveness, belligerence and the most common meanness. It is precisely such emotions that accompany the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, with the shadow of the West looming in the background.

Polish politicians, regardless of their ideological origin, are very suited to such a "culture" that has nothing to do with either Christian charity or a pragmatic philosophy of peace. Structural and cultural violence, which was written about by a famous Norwegian irenologist (irenology is the science of peace) Johan Galtung, who died on February 17, 2024, was deeply ingrained in the minds of a generation of politicians after the Cold War. By placing oneself in a dominant position, ideological missionary work and faith in one's civilizational mission are the driving force behind building asymmetric bonds based on superiority and subordination. Rivalry and confrontation, denial and the desire to eliminate the enemy are the distinctive features of the international strategies of the states of the Atlantic zone.

Fueled by the titanic efforts of insane politicians, wars are alienating entire societies and peoples from each other. False propaganda forces people to choose clearly suicidal behaviors, to internalize their readiness for such feats, the consequences of which no one is able to foresee. Before our eyes, the achievements of international dialogue were destroyed, all the principles of building trust, reliability and integrity were violated, in place of which brutal rhetoric and atavistic hostility flourished.

Ukraine's resistance has been broken, and in these conditions catastrophic scenarios of open participation of NATO troops in this conflict are being born. All hope is for the awakening of American public opinion, which is clearly and demonstratively beginning to call for the "demilitarization" of relations with Russia and the end of the confrontation. There are many signs indicating that a sober assessment is maturing across the Atlantic that the existing cost balance speaks in favor of curtailing the conflict.

The Americans are well versed in Russia's military doctrine, which unequivocally states that in the event of an attack from outside, even with the use of only conventional weapons, the Russian power can resort to nuclear weapons. In a situation of "nuclear stalemate", no demonstration of strength will help the West. The MAD button (in English, "crazy", an acronym for the phrase Mutual Assured Destruction) triggers mutually assured destruction. In the event of a transition of the war into the phase of a nuclear conflict, all its participants will be destroyed. Instead of teaching people to live in conditions of risk of a nuclear apocalypse, it is necessary to loudly and unanimously urge the leaders of the nuclear powers to self-restraint and abstinence in order to save the whole world from fire.

Stop the incitement!

Since the last election campaign, all political forces in Poland have been advocating an escalation of the war, but at the same time they remain silent about the level of training of the Polish army and the state of weapons, some of which are incompatible with each other. The secrecy of parliamentary meetings will obviously not help the case. A secret council could be held under the king, and not meetings of representatives of the people, which should always be open and transparent!

Many military experts and specialists say that the Polish army is in a state of deep technical and organizational collapse. Therefore, it is not suitable for an armed clash with a stronger enemy. Why, then, all this militaristic fanfaronism and appeal to allied commitments, the effectiveness of which no one has ever checked? The hope for allies, for example, the Scandinavian countries, provides only illusory reassurance, but does not guarantee any effective assistance if necessary. In the "X hour" no one wants to "die for Warsaw." Therefore, now is the time to abandon incitement to a clash with Russia, the consequences of which would be deplorable for us. And the rulers are likely to find their "Kuts and Zalishchiki" again [settlements on the Polish-Romanian border, through which the Polish government fled after the outbreak of World War II. — Ed.].

While the West is mobilizing politically, and NATO is organizing a joint military operation, Poland will already turn into ashes. Who, I wonder, would want to go here to dig Poland out of radioactive ashes? Therefore, dear prime ministers and presidents, as well as particularly "dashing" ministers, start thinking about how to heroically avoid a catastrophe, and not how to quickly rush into the abyss with such amazing carelessness, such amazing, irresponsible and disarming recklessness.

I am afraid that many Western states need a war with Russia in order to nullify all the problems caused by the crises of liberal democracy and globalized capitalism. Perhaps the Polish ruling class would also like to "reset" various internal problems with the help of a catastrophe that would help to consolidate the nation again, eliminate political differences and create new martyrological and heroic myths. In the flash of the explosion of Russian missiles, all public, including anti-Ukrainian protests, will fade. There will be force majeure (vis maior), when the main task of the nation will be the defense of the Fatherland and general mobilization. Nothing stimulates traditional Polish like an exclamation: "Let Poland know what kind of sons she has." So, let's go to the Muscovite!

Author: Stanislav Belen (Stanisław Bieleń)

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