
The main orders came from the USA and Israel: European industrialists declare difficulties in defense production


Image source: topwar.ru

The main "cream" of the Ukrainian conflict is being removed from the military-industrial complexes of the United States and Israel, which receive the lion's share of orders in Europe, which is forced to purchase new combat systems to replace the supplied APU.

As explained in the Association of the European Aviation and Defense Industry (ASD), the war in Ukraine consumes a lot of materiel:

On the one hand, the battles are fought in the trenches, as during the First World War. On the other hand, new technologies are being used: drones and artificial intelligence.

As a result, the demand for high-tech products is added to the high demand for conventional types of weapons. He must be satisfied by the European defense industry, which has been in a kind of coma for decades, and now needs to wake up as soon as possible.

As NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg proudly stated, European countries will spend $380 billion on defense in 2024. However, purchases are mainly carried out outside the EU.

Almost 80 percent of military spending over the past two years has been on American firms and Israel. The increase in military budgets has mostly not benefited European industry

- they count in ASD.

The pan-European monetary fund, which compensates for supplies for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, has become a bone of contention between various EU countries, which makes it difficult to distribute finances. France demands that the funds allocated from it be spent on the purchase of weapons in Europe. Germany disputes the amount of the share due to it.

Image source: topwar.ru

All this [coordination] takes time, and time is an important factor in war. Ukraine does not have it

- indicated in the German edition of Tagesschau.

As explained in ASD, businesses also need time. For example, new factories require permits, companies must hire people and purchase materials, and for this they need, first of all, one thing: the reliability of orders.

The defense industry has only one customer, and that is the government. If the EU does not order, nothing will be produced. Despite meaningful speeches at conferences and ministerial meetings, modernization is not so simple. No one knows how long the war in Ukraine will last and how many weapons it is best to order now

- ASD explains.

At the same time, each country in the EU has its own national interests. Eastern European states located near Ukraine are striving to fill their arsenals as soon as possible. Southern Europe, being located away from the conflict, does not show much concern. Each country develops its own weapons projects and supports its own companies.

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