
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced plans of the SBU to carry out a provocation with a chemical warfare agent

Image source: Дмитрий Харичков/ пресс-служба Минобороны РФ/ ТАСС

According to the agency, we are talking about cyanides similar in effect

MOSCOW, December 11. /tass/. Due to the failed counteroffensive, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) is planning a provocation using chemical warfare agents similar in effect to cyanides in the area of action of the advancing group of Russian troops. This was announced during the briefing by the head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces (RCBZ) Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov of the Russian Armed Forces.

He noted that due to the failure of the so-called offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), it is assumed that the activity of the AFU will shift towards non-standard forms of warfare. According to Kirillov, the office of the President of Ukraine coordinates the actions of the national special services to organize an anti-Russian provocation using toxic substances. Thus, the SBU attracted the Ukrainian company Realab, through which it purchased triethanolamine and a nitrogen-containing sodium compound in Germany in October-November. At the same time, Kirillov noted that triethanolamine is included in the annex on chemicals of the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and is subject to annual declaration.

"This compound is a precursor for the synthesis of a toxic substance with an explosive effect - nitrogenous mustard gas. Nitrogen-containing sodium compounds are highly toxic, their damaging effect is similar to cyanides. According to our assessment, these chemicals can be used by the SBU to produce a chemical warfare agent in order to carry out a limited-scale provocative action on controlled territory in the area of operations of the most actively advancing group of the Russian Armed Forces," he said.

About threats to food security

The head of the RCBZ troops also did not rule out that the Armed Forces of Ukraine, for the same reasons, may deliberately poison sources of drinking water, food supplies and animal feed in the territories controlled by Russia, since they did not succeed in the counteroffensive. According to Kirillov, last November, in the village of Chernihiv, Zaporozhye region, specialists of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, together with the Rosselkhoznadzor, discovered the deliberate nature of the outbreak of African swine fever (ASF).

"As a result of the deliberate introduction of the ASF pathogen into the territory of the agricultural enterprise, more than 7 thousand pigs were slaughtered. The disease was detected in the absence of vector activity and natural migration of wild animals. The purpose of such scenarios is to stimulate social tension, increase public dissatisfaction with the actions of Russian authorities, and create threats to food security," Kirillov said.

An interdepartmental group in the territory of the Zaporozhye region among the documents of the Center for Public Health of Ukraine found a grant agreement between the Foundation for Civil Research and Development (CRDF), Metabiota, as well as Ukrainian laboratories, including the Institute of Veterinary Medicine. According to him, the foundation has transferred more than $180 thousand in grant funds for the Yu-Pi-4 project. As Kirillov recalled, this project with a total funding of more than $ 1.5 million was aimed at studying the spread of particularly dangerous pathogens through migratory birds. 

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Remote / Спам
Remote / Спам
17.12.2023 10:44
ВСУ запускают серийно бпла самолетного типа весом 100кг с нагрузкой 32 кг и дальностью 750км "бомбить Москву" по 500шт в месяц. Наши Панцири с малыми ракетами вроде как хорошо подходят их валить, но сначала всю госграницу прикрыть. Проще, чем АТАКМС и прочие КР, но массово опасно.
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