
The US Department of Defense recalled the destruction of the last US chemical munitions


Image source: topwar.ru

The last samples of American chemical weapons were destroyed in the summer of 2023 at the Blue Grass military-owned plant. Thanks to this, the United States has fully fulfilled its obligations to comply with the Chemical Weapons Convention, to which about 200 countries of the world have joined, including America, having done so in 1997.

This was stated by Deborah Rosenblum, assistant to the head of the Pentagon for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection Programs, in her address to the company's employees and political leaders during a speech at the Reserve Center of the Armed Forces in Richmond (Kentucky).

Thus, the US Department of Defense recalled the destruction of the last chemical munitions.

With this milestone, the United States strengthens its commitment to achieving a world free of chemical weapons

Mrs. Rosenblum said.

She said that everyone involved, from workers to high-ranking officials, proved themselves in solving this task as a single team.

It took the efforts of all of us to cross the line, and we did it

- the Pentagon representative exclaimed.

She noted that now it remains only to safely close the Blue Grass plant.

Image source: topwar.ru

Actually, speaking of the complete destruction of chemical weapons in the United States, one should only hope for American "crystal honesty", because, alas, there are no mechanisms to verify this information from the Pentagon. As they say, "gentlemen are taken at their word."

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