
The expert said that the Krasnopol modified during its operation can hit moving targets

Image source: commons.wikimedia.org/Vitaly V. Kuzmin

It also allows you to significantly reduce the consumption of ammunition, said the editor of the publication "Arsenal of the Fatherland" Alexey Leonkov

MOSCOW, July 8. /tass/. Upgraded during the special operation, the corrected artillery shell "Krasnopol-M" allows you to hit moving targets, and also allows you to significantly reduce the consumption of ammunition. Alexey Leonkov, the editor of the Arsenal of the Fatherland, told TASS about this.

"Krasnopol had both its advantages and disadvantages. It was assumed that it would work together with a certain type of unmanned aerial vehicles, but this, unfortunately, did not take place. And this reconnaissance and firing circuit was never implemented. In addition, what they managed to create and used was not distinguished by high accuracy on moving objects. Therefore, appropriate work was carried out on this ammunition. And thus, he began to fall not only into stationary objects, but also moving ones, such as armored vehicles, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and even tanks," the agency interlocutor said.

The expert noted that the upgraded Krasnopol after the start of the special operation can adjust its flight in real time based on the indication of the target with a laser, both from the gunner and with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles.

In addition, according to Leonkov's observations, during the special operation, the concept of suppressing targets by gunners with the help of massive use of shells prevailed, which led to their high consumption. Corrected high-precision projectiles can significantly reduce it. "If you shoot from 152-mm artillery at a distance of 8-10 km to the target, then the consumption of shells will be about 50-70 units, and this will be the norm. Now imagine that the same goal is fulfilled by Krasnopol-M with one shot," he said, noting that further development of this type of ammunition will consist in cheaper production.

The Krasnopol-M high-precision correctable artillery complex is a modification of the Krasnopol developed by the Academician A. G. Shipunov Instrument Engineering Design Bureau (part of the High-Precision Complexes holding). Vladimir Lepin, General Director of the Kalashnikov Concern, announced the modernization on July 28, 2022 (the concern produces the main assembly units and blocks for Krasnopol). The product received an increased firing range and a warhead of increased power, as well as increased firing efficiency in cloudy and windy conditions.

Instead of a fire spotter, which should approach the target at a distance of at least five kilometers, data obtained from drones can be used for Krasnopol-M. At the same time, the projectile is capable of capturing up to three targets simultaneously. The "High-precision complexes" emphasize that improvements based on the results of the use of "Krasnopol" in special operations are being promptly introduced into serial production.

The corrected shell "Krasnopol" of 152 mm caliber can be used by all types of artillery systems, including modern self-propelled howitzers "Msta-S", "Msta-SM" and "Coalition-SV". The range of the ammunition is 20 km, the mass of the warhead is 8 kg. The export version of the Krasnopol-M2 projectile has a caliber of 155 mm. It has an increased firing range of 26 km, as well as increased accuracy of hitting small targets.

There is also a modification of the "Krasnopol" for use with drones. In May, High-Precision Complexes announced the completion of its development and successful trial operation. 

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