
The Netherlands intends to purchase the Mk.41 VPU in the USA to equip ships of a new class – DSCA

Image source: Mass Communication Specialist

TSAMTO, June 9. The US State Department has approved the potential supply to the Netherlands under the "Foreign Military Sales" program of vertical Mk.41 Baseline VII launchers in the version with extended-length modules (Strike Length Launch Modules), as well as related equipment.

The total cost of the order may amount to $ 110 million. The DoD Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified Congress of the planned sale on June 2.

The Dutch government has asked the United States about the possibility of supplying eight 8-container vertical Mk launchers.41 versions of Baseline VII in the version with modules of increased length. The request also includes the supply of spare parts, loading and unloading, testing and auxiliary equipment, software; delivery and engineering/technical assistance; training of personnel; provision of training equipment and technical documentation; provision of technical support from the US government and the contractor, as well as other related elements of material support.

As stated, the implementation of this program corresponds to the interests of US foreign policy and national security.

The notification notes that the sale of the requested equipment will increase both the defensive capabilities of the Netherlands and interoperability with the Armed Forces of the United States and other allies. The Dutch Navy intends to use the Mk.41 Baseline VII launch modules to equip ships of the new class. The modules are designed to accommodate the ESSM Unit.1 and SM-2. The Netherlands has previously acquired the VPU Mk.41 and placed on board the ships in service, so they will not experience difficulties when adopting new systems for service.

Lockheed Martin Corporation has been selected as the main contractor for the delivery program.

The notice of sale is published in accordance with the requirements of American law. The description and value of the sale reflect the highest estimates based on the initial requirements. The actual purchase price may be lower, depending on the final requirements, financial capabilities and signed purchase and sale agreements, if they are concluded.

TSAMTO comment: although the Mk.41 VPU is purchased in an elongated 7.6-m version (Strike Module), the ESSM Block is used to launch the claimed missiles.1 and SM-2 would be enough to purchase a standard 6,7-m modification of the installation (Tactical Module). Thus, the Dutch Navy expects to use the VPU to launch other missiles as well. The Mk.41 Strike Module provides the ability to fire missiles of various types, including Tomahawk and LRASM missiles, ESSM missiles, SM-2, SM-3, SM-6, anti-submarine missiles.

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