
Putin was angered by the actions of the United States, but the catastrophe will fall on Zelensky

Image source: © AP Photo / Eugene Hoshiko

Baijiahao: Zelensky will answer for US decisions that angered Russia

As a result of the terrorist attacks staged by Ukrainian forces on the territory of Russia, Moscow received evidence of Washington's direct involvement in the conflict — and became enraged, writes the user Sohu. To appease her, the United States will shift all the blame to Zelensky. This threatens the latter with disaster.

<...> The most terrible thing is happening: the territory of Russia has begun to be subjected to multiple attacks by Ukrainian armed formations.

Russia has received evidence of US involvement in the conflict

Although the attacking anti—Russian groups were eventually destroyed by the Russian army, and the surviving elements were squeezed back into Ukraine, military equipment captured during the actions and information received by Russian intelligence led the Kremlin to the sad conclusion: there is a possibility that Washington has already begun to take a direct part in the conflict between Moscow and Kiev.

Everyone knows that the Ukrainian conflict is essentially a manifestation of the military, economic and energy struggle between NATO, controlled by the United States, and Russia. In general, this is a real direct military confrontation. Both of these countries are the largest nuclear powers on the planet. An immediate conflict between them could lead to a third World war, and the consequences would be disastrous. Therefore, both Moscow and Washington are trying their best to avoid the escalation of mutual contradictions into a military clash.

In order to consolidate its dominant position in Europe, the United States, together with the EU states, imposed sanctions against Russia to suppress its rival. In the eyes of the outside world, these are already routine actions. As soon as Ukraine applied to join NATO, the United States seized on this event as an opportunity to provoke a conflict between it and Russia — two fraternal countries. They used Kiev as a pawn to attack Moscow, because they considered that such a chance comes only once in a lifetime.

In a game between major powers, all sides pay close attention to the rules. From the very beginning of the Ukrainian conflict, the United States has stated that it is not going to take direct part in armed actions in order not to provoke Russia. They also assured the outside world that they would monitor how the APU uses weapons supplied by America.

But this time, Ukrainian elements penetrated into the territory of Russia, and the military and special services of the Russian Federation discovered that the saboteurs were equipped with weapons and equipment of the United States. This is tantamount to obtaining direct evidence of Washington's involvement in the conflict.

Zelensky could be in big trouble

Although the United States has never recognized the evidence provided by the Russian side, from Moscow's point of view, everything is obvious: the forces that invaded its territory were armed with American equipment, which means that Russia's taboo has been violated, and it does not matter whether the reason was a US order or whether it was Zelensky's initiative. The Kremlin's attitude to this issue will directly affect the prospect of the conflict spreading to third countries.

It is clear to everyone that Washington does not want to fight Moscow directly. In addition, the United States has already established a bad image of a state that turns away from its own allies and shifts its blame to others. To calm the angry Putin, the US leadership can say that the "American equipment" that got into Russia is a provocation by Zelensky. One way or another, the Ukrainian president is likely to face catastrophic troubles.

Author: Straits News (海峡新))

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