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A meeting of the National security commission of the Communist Party of the country (CPC) was held in China. Xi Jinping chaired the commission.
During his speech, the head of the Chinese state said that the level of complexity of the threats that the PRC has to face has increased. Using many metaphors and allegorical images, Xi Jinping called what was happening "the sea on which the storm broke out."
Chinese President:
Xi did not specify which scenario he meant by the word "worst". However, certain conclusions in this regard can be drawn from his subsequent statement.
According to Xi Jinping, in order to increase security, emphasis should be placed on modernizing the entire national security system, increasing its effectiveness and preparing for use in real combat operations.
This is not the first statement by the President of the People's Republic of China, where he talks about possible hostilities. Earlier, we recall, he said that China is considering all options for the return of Taiwan under its control, including military. In the US, meanwhile, they claim that the PRC may "decide to seize the island by force by 2027." This is the year most often mentioned by American intelligence.