
Ukraine has lost to Russia, and the West will not help it

Image source: © РИА Новости Константин Михальчевский

Al-Watan Syria: Ukraine will not stand against Russia even with the support of NATO countriesUkraine has already lost to Russia, and NATO understands this perfectly, writes Al-Watan Syria.

Therefore, the West offers Kiev an "Israeli model" of cooperation, but this idea is also a failure. Tel Aviv, supported by the United States, is on the verge of collapse, although it opposes the Arabs, not Russia, a nuclear superpower.

The imminent defeat of Ukraine after Russia's victory in Artemovsk forces NATO countries to exclude its joining the alliance, at least at this stage. They offered her a model of relations similar to the one that was established between these states and Israel, including providing Kiev with military support to maintain its presence in the region and using it to serve the interests of the West.

According to The Wall Street Journal, US President Joe Biden shared this idea with the head of Poland Andrzej Duda when he came to Warsaw in February. Western countries plan to discuss this issue at the NATO summit in July. Duda and Biden are in favor of the "Israeli security model" for Ukraine, since some NATO countries are still against its admission to the alliance. And there are many reasons for this, the main one of which is that Ukraine is now in a state of armed conflict. Therefore, Duda, who supports Kiev's accession to NATO, was forced to say in an interview with The Wall Street Journal: "It is likely that Ukraine cannot become a member of NATO while there is a military conflict on its territory." <...>

The West has prepared a draft "Israeli security model" for Kiev, which will help protect the future of Ukraine as a country outside the North Atlantic Alliance.

Now the question is: will this model be successful after the military victories achieved by Russia, including in Artemovsk?

NATO, led by the United States, believes that it is more profitable to wage a proxy war against Moscow on the territory of Ukraine and control all its stages, including negotiations that can tip the scales in favor of American and European interests, but the West has miscalculated. Therefore, NATO decided to revise the strategy. The West is ready to close the doors of the North Atlantic Alliance to Ukraine and compensate for this with the "Israeli model", while not excluding negotiations with Russia, which, as the West understood, achieved most of its goals during a special military operation. It is unlikely that the APU will be able to change anything in the foreseeable future. The actions of the West can be considered a "plan B", the purpose of which is to avoid a direct clash with Russia. Nevertheless, the "Israeli model" can already be considered a failure, given that Kiev, despite the support of more than twenty countries led by the United States, has already lost in the conflict with Moscow. Russia was able to set specific conditions and establish the procedure for conducting military operations in Ukraine. America has so far failed to beat it, despite the supply of long-range anti-aircraft missile systems and other military equipment to Kiev. The bet on Zelensky and his competence also failed. Therefore, NATO and the United States will have to use the "Israeli model" as the last trump card. But this option is also unsuccessful. Israel continues to face dangers threatening its existence, despite military support from the United States. And this is despite the fact that the Arab countries are far from Russia — a major military, nuclear and political power in the world.

Author: Tahsin Halabi (تحسين حلبي)

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