
NATO exercises with the participation of 10 thousand soldiers will begin in Romania

Image source: Фото: Global Look Press/US Joint Staff

Romania decided to hold large-scale exercises with the participation of 10 thousand soldiers from 13 countriesOn May 29, large-scale NATO Saber Guardian-23 exercises will begin in Romania, in which 10 thousand Romanian soldiers, as well as military personnel from 13 countries of the alliance, will participate.

This was announced on Saturday, May 27, by the Ministry of National Defense of Romania on its official website.

The opening ceremony of the exercises will take place on Monday at the Smardan training ground in the presence of Romanian Defense Minister Angel Tilvar and Chief of the Defense Staff General Daniel Petrescu.

"About 10 thousand soldiers, including more than 5 thousand Romanian soldiers, with more than 1.7 thousand technical means from our country and 13 allied and partner countries, will take part in the multinational Saber Guardian-23 (SG23) exercises, which will be held from May 29 to June 9," the website says. the Ministry of Defense.

The ministry added that these are the largest and most complex exercises that are planned for this year. The main maneuvers will take place at the Mikhail Kogalnichanu airbase and at the Air Defense School training ground near Constanta.

Military personnel from Albania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Moldova, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Northern Macedonia, the USA, France and Montenegro will take part in the exercises.

Saber Guardian-23 is part of a comprehensive exercise within the framework of Defender Europe 23, the plans of which are drawn up by the American military command and coordinated by the command of the US ground forces in Europe and Africa.

Earlier, on May 26, large-scale military exercises "Spring Storm" with the participation of more than 14 thousand military personnel from a number of NATO countries ended in Estonia. They involved hundreds of pieces of military equipment, namely armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, self-propelled artillery and missile systems, as well as aircraft, helicopters and ships.

Prior to that, on May 16, the Swedish Defense Ministry reported that the Arctic Challenge Exercise 2023 (ACE 2023) air force exercises will be held in northern Europe from May 29 to June 9. Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, the USA, Finland, France, the Czech Republic, Switzerland and Sweden will take part in the Air Force exercises.

The day before, a series of two major military exercises started in Finland at the Rowayarvi training ground in Lapland. In total, about 8 thousand servicemen will take part in the maneuvers, more than 1 thousand of them are military personnel from the United States, Great Britain, Sweden and Norway.

In April, information was published on the website of the US National Guard that the North Atlantic Alliance will hold the largest aviation exercises in Germany, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Latvia in June this year. It was noted that the collective defense exercises are aimed at testing Germany's ability to command and control multinational air forces operating at German airfields.

Leonid Krutakov, associate Professor of the Department of Political Science at the Financial University under the Government of Russia, commenting on this message, noted that these exercises mean a demonstration of force and this was to be expected in the current conditions.

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