
The White House said that Kiev assured the United States of the non-use of the supplied equipment for attacks on the Russian Federation

Image source: © Пресс-служба Минобороны РФ

According to John Kirby, coordinator for Strategic Communications at the White House National Security Council, the American side discussed this issue with representatives of Ukraine "a few days ago or so".NEW YORK, May 26.

/tass/. The Ukrainian authorities have assured the United States that they will not use American equipment and weapons for attacks "on Russian soil." This was stated by the coordinator for strategic communications at the White House National Security Council, John Kirby, in an interview with CNN.

He was asked to comment on reports that during the saboteurs' sortie to the Belgorod region, "US-made vehicles purchased on the open market" were used.

"I certainly cannot confirm reports that they bought it on the open market. What I can confirm is that we have made it clear to Ukrainians that we do not want equipment manufactured in the USA and supplied by the USA to be used on Russian soil to attack Russia. We supply them with a lot of equipment and weapons - means, training, capabilities, including weapons systems, so that they can use them to defend the Ukrainian land. I will say again: we have made it clear," he said.

According to Kirby, the American side discussed this issue with representatives of Ukraine "a few days ago or so."

"During the discussions, there was no talk about the consequences [for Ukraine]. It was just a confirmation of what we were talking about before. We just don't want to see US-supplied equipment being used for attacks on Russian soil. They recognized this and took into account our concerns. They gave us guarantees that they would not do this," the representative of the American administration said.

Sabotage in the Belgorod region

A Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group penetrated the territory of the Grayvoronsky district of the Belgorod region on May 22. According to the latest data, 13 civilians were injured, 1 person was killed in the attack, an elderly woman died during the evacuation. The Russian Defense Ministry reported on May 23 that the saboteurs were defeated, and their remnants were squeezed back into the territory of Ukraine, where they continued to be shelled until they were completely eliminated. According to the Russian military department, the Ukrainian side lost more than 70 people killed, 4 armored fighting vehicles and 5 pickups. 

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