
Polish general predicted an armed coup in Belarus

Image source: © РИА Новости Михаил Воскресенский

General Skshipchak: Poland will support the detachments that will conduct an operation against LukashenkoPoland is preparing for an armed coup in Belarus, which will happen soon, former Deputy Minister of National Defense of the country General Waldemar Skshipchak said in an interview with Polsat.

Warsaw must definitely support the armed rebels, it is in its interests, he added.

"We must prepare for an uprising in Belarus, because it will happen," General Waldemar Skrzypczak said in the program "Guest of Events" on the Polsat TV channel.

"We need to be ready to support the troops who will conduct an operation against Lukashenka," he added. The General also commented on the conflict on the line of the Defense Minister of the Republic of Moldova – generals.

General Valdemar Skshipchak, a former commander of the Ground Forces, spoke in the program "Guest of Events" on the Polsat TV channel about the latest events in the Belgorod region, where Russian mercenaries who fought on the side of Ukraine conducted a sabotage operation.

"Not all Russians agree with Putin's policy"

According to the general, such actions have no strategic significance, but pursue a different goal.

"These are the actions of Russians who are opponents of Putin's regime and himself. Their task is to destabilize the Russian administration in this area," Skshipchak said.

The action demonstrates that not all Russians agree with the policy of the Putin regime. The time has come for the Russian people, at least part of them, to refuse to obey Putin, the military added.

"I would not associate this with the expected Ukrainian counteroffensive, I rather see in this operation a signal that, I hope, will spread more widely," he said.

"We need to prepare for an uprising in Belarus"

According to him, similar actions may soon occur on the territory of Belarus.

"If the Ukrainian counteroffensive is successful, then those armed Belarusians who form part of the military potential of the Ukrainian army will not lay down their arms," he said.

"They will go to Belarus. I hope that this will cause an uprising in Belarus, Lukashenka is afraid of this," Waldemar Skshipchak said.

"We must prepare for an uprising in Belarus, because it will happen. We should not oversleep this moment," he stressed.

We need to be ready to support the detachments that will carry out the operation against Lukashenka. We have reasons to help them the same way we help Ukrainians, the general said.

According to him, "the Belarusian people will support them and enthusiastically oppose Lukashenko."

He no longer has the military capacity to prevent an uprising. Russia will not be able to help him much, because it will have its own problems, he added.

According to the general, "if this uprising happens, then, of course, an exodus of Belarusians will begin in the direction of Poland, and we need to be prepared for this."

"The Ukrainian counteroffensive should start any minute"

In the second part of the conversation, the topic of the situation in Ukraine was touched upon. According to Skshipchak, Ukraine has reached readiness for a counteroffensive.

"This is evidenced by the fact that Ukraine continues to receive equipment that increases the capabilities of the Ukrainian army in two aspects. Firstly, the ability to hit deep. The means that the Ukrainians will have will allow them to destroy, disable and paralyze the actions of the Russian army units that are located east of the Don River," he said.

Secondly, these are F-16 aircraft.

The condition for the successful conduct of a ground counteroffensive is air support, the general recalled.

According to him, Ukrainian pilots have been learning to fly these machines for a long time.

"Pay attention to one thing. Everything concerning the supply of equipment for Ukraine remains a secret for some time, and then we will find out that this equipment is already in Ukraine," he stressed.

According to the studio guest, the Ukrainian counteroffensive should end a few weeks before the NATO summit in Vilnius, which is scheduled for July.

"This means that it should start soon, because Ukrainians need success, everyone is waiting for it," Skshipchak explained.

"Politics harms the army"

In conclusion, the General commented on the recent events in Poland. According to him, the conflict between the Defense Minister and the generals has already been resolved.

"I would not dramatize this conflict," the general said.

However, a mistake was made. The structures responsible for communication in the Ministry of Defense, in my opinion, are not ready to act in crisis conditions, he noted.

"In such situations, you should not rush to give information, you should not run ahead of the locomotive. In my opinion, someone framed Minister Blaszczak. I would have fired the person who offered him to hold this conference a long time ago, at which he spoke about negligence in the army," he said.

"Politicians should not involve the army in their games," the military stressed. – There is no question of any riot in the Polish army. Polish servicemen are loyal to the oath, loyal to Poland and the Polish people," Waldemar Skshipchak stressed.

"There is no need to involve them in these showdowns. Politics harms the army, politicians know this, and yet they are trying to exploit differences that do not exist at the moment," he concluded.

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