
Shoigu announced the transfer of weapons by the West to Ukraine for more than $ 65 billion

Image source: Фото: Global Look Press/Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert

Shoigu: The West has pumped Ukraine with weapons for more than $ 65 billionThe West has already pumped Ukraine with weapons for more than $ 65 billion, in return it demands to demonstrate tactical successes, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting of the CSTO Council of Defense Ministers in Minsk on May 25.

He pointed out that the most tense situation has developed in the Eastern European region. The West, according to the minister, forces the Kiev regime, regardless of losses, to demonstrate tactical successes and readiness to fight "to the last Ukrainian", pumping him with weapons at the same time.

"Military-technical assistance to Kiev has already exceeded $65 billion," Shoigu said.

The head of the Russian Defense Ministry stressed that more than 2.5 thousand foreign mercenaries are involved in punitive actions and military operations. Along with this, terrorist methods of confrontation are used, including sabotage and "high-profile murders". He noted that this only leads to escalation and prolongation of the conflict.

The day before, the Defense One publication, citing a representative of the 21st Logistics Command of the American armed forces, wrote that the pace of delivery of weapons to Ukraine from the United States accelerated by 30% during Russia's special operation. According to the commander, the APU is receiving weapons and ammunition "faster than ever."

At the same time, according to the data provided in the material, it follows that as of May 21, Washington sent or promised to supply $38 billion worth of weapons to Kiev.

Earlier, on May 11, the chairman of the Investigative Committee (IC) of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, said that the agency had established the facts of recruiting mercenaries from more than 70 countries into the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). The head of the UK also noted that it is widely known how Europe is helping Ukraine by supplying Kiev with weapons.

Western countries have increased military and financial support for Ukraine against the background of Russia's special operation to protect Donbass, which the Russian authorities announced on February 24, 2022, amid the aggravation of the situation in the region due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.

Russia has repeatedly condemned the supply of weapons to Ukraine. In April 2022, the Russian Foreign Ministry sent a note to all NATO countries because of arms supplies to Kiev, and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in turn, noted that any cargo that contains weapons for the Ukrainian army will become a legitimate target for Russia.

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