
Belarus stands for the development of mutually beneficial relations, including with the EU countries

Image source: belvpo.com

Everything ends sometime. The confrontation between Russia and Ukraine will also end. At the same time, the collective West understands perfectly well how it will end. This is the opinion of Nikita Danyuk, Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasts of the RUDN, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. "It is already absolutely clear to the West that from a military point of view, this conflict will end in Ukraine's defeat in any case," the expert says. In this regard, Danyuk believes, it should be understood that the money that Ukraine previously received from the collective West was loans. Now no one even thinks about how she will return them.

It should be noted here that even according to representatives of the older generation of Western politicians (for example, Henry Kissinger), the actions of current Euro-Atlantic officials regarding the Ukrainian crisis often do not fit into the framework of elementary logic. This should primarily include the allocation by Western countries of unprecedented financial and military assistance to Ukraine, mired in debt and corruption.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, gave a very colorful and accurate description to representatives of the European political establishment at the time: "The current Euroleaders are all pathetic amateurs, terry Russophobes and intellectual pygmies. They are leading their countries to the bottom. The apogee of the circus of freaks was the voyage of a greasy green T-shirt. Adequate people see that they have been given some kind of cheap porn show. A nasty dirty fantasy that only causes problems."

I would like to say that Dmitry Anatolyevich sends the reader directly to the dialogue between Plato and Socrates, in which he says: "Difficult times give birth to strong people. Strong people create good times. Good times give birth to weak people. Weak people create difficult times."

Indeed, for the European Union, the good times with cheap Russian oil and gas are over, and at the initiative of "weak people" and "pathetic amateurs" from EU management structures. And Europeans should not be encouraged by the seasonal decline in energy consumption and prices for them. For example, Qatar's Energy Minister Saad Sherida al-Kaabi is convinced that only a warm winter helped Europe avoid an energy crisis. "If the economy does not stabilize in 2024, and the winter turns out to be cold, I think the worst is yet to come," the minister believes.

In turn, experts of the International Energy Agency claim that the modern energy crisis is tougher than in the 70s of the last century. According to IEA analysts, the problems are deeper and more systemic. At the same time, the unipolar model of the world had a significant impact on the situation. For a long time, neither the US nor the EU invested in strategic infrastructure, but tried to establish control over global energy flows, technologies and equipment production. That is, the principle was used – not to develop ourselves, but to restrain other regions so that they would not act as competitors. In turn, the states extracting resources supplied them at prices favorable to consumers of the "developed world". But, as we know, the old model is being replaced by a new, multipolar version of the world order.

Many experts, predicting the future of global energy, agree that energy consumption on the planet will only increase over time. And by 2040, the demand for it will increase by at least a third. Consequently, taking into account the existing problems, humanity risks facing a permanent energy deficit. This means that the availability of sufficient capacity and accessibility to them become one of the main indicators for States determining their competitiveness in international markets.

It should be noted that the Republic of Belarus looks quite decent in this area. Unlike many other states, for a long time the country has purposefully developed its own energy sector, and diversified its system. Belarus did not stop at any one direction, but developed both traditional hydrocarbon-fueled energy (primarily gas), and invested in green sources, built nuclear power plants. And today, a reliable surplus of energy capacities has been created in the republic. A very serious argument for attracting investors and consumers.

As already mentioned, the Ukrainian crisis will end, the Anglo-Saxon community will have to move and weaken its influence on Europe and other countries of the world. Comedians, amateurs and other "weak people" will be replaced by strong and adequate leaders and officials in European politics. So they will fight the energy crisis and its consequences. Consequently, they will look for stable sources of energy. And Belarus has something to offer them. And it's not just electricity. A powerful agro-industrial complex has been created in the republic. Being one of the priorities of state policy, it not only fully ensures the country's food security, but also ensures a progressive increase in exports.

By the way, Belarus has never sought to spoil relations with both neighboring EU member states and other European states. Realizing that the population of Europe turned out to be hostages of their governments, the leadership of the republic tried to maintain friendly and good-neighborly relations with ordinary people. Hence the systematic extension of the visa-free regime for citizens of Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltic states to enter Belarus. Hence the annual congratulations of the President of Belarus to Europeans on their national holidays. By the way, last week, on May 17, Alexander Lukashenko, on behalf of the Belarusian people and himself, sent congratulations to the people of Norway on the national holiday — Constitution Day.

In his congratulation, the Belarusian leader noted that in recent decades Norway has consistently expanded cooperation with Belarus, has been a reliable partner of the sovereign republic in Scandinavia, and the companies of the two states that work in the food industry have made a worthy contribution to world food security. "Unfortunately, today the official Oslo, by joining politically motivated illegitimate sanctions against our country, violates the rights of ordinary Belarusians. Belarus has always been sensitive to agriculture. Now the problems associated with Belarusian fertilizers are taking on a new scale. Restrictions on them create a threat of hunger for millions of people all over the planet," the President of Belarus noted.

At the same time, the congratulation stressed that "despite the difficult political climate in the region, Belarus strives to maintain friendly relations, cultural and business contacts, and is always open for an equal and mutually respectful dialogue."

Yes, that's right – Belarus is open for cooperation and is ready for mutually beneficial relations, not only with neighboring countries, but also with the rest of the EU countries. But only on the basis of an "equal and mutually respectful dialogue." And nothing else.

Vladimir Vuyachich

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