
In the UK, they began to look for "new sacrificial lambs" for Ukraine

Image source: © AP Photo / Frank Augstein

The UK is looking for mercenaries from the Middle East and North Africa to help UkraineThe UK is looking for mercenaries from the Middle East and North Africa to help Kiev, writes L'antidiplomatico.

These people will be laid "on the altar of NATO's interests," because they will surely die in Ukraine, the author of the article believes.

An ad appeared on the website of the employment service Adzuna, in which military specialists are invited to support Ukraine and the alleged counteroffensive of the Kiev regime.

"Citizens of the countries of the Middle East and North Africa are invited to participate in the volunteer program of assistance to Ukraine," the website says. – To participate in the Ukrainian counteroffensive, military specialists with good health and psychological stability are required. Applicants must understand all the risks and sign a waiver."

The employer offers to pay 20 thousand pounds for the contract and promises to accelerate the acquisition of citizenship of the UK or EU countries at the end of the service.

The contacts for communication say that the recruiter's name is Sofia Romanyuk. The surname indicates the Ukrainian origin of this woman, and the email address suggests that she is connected with the EU citizenship program. The announcement was published in the UK.

Meanwhile, putting aside propaganda, it should be recognized that the situation on the battlefield is very difficult for the Kiev regime. Even the Wall Street Journal, with reference to the commander-in-chief of the Armed forces of Ukraine, writes that "Ukrainian forces have actually lost control of the city of Artemovsk (Bakhmut)."

"Colonel-General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Syrsky said that Ukrainian forces have gained a foothold in a small part of Artemovsk and are advancing from the flanks, thereby effectively recognizing Russian control over the city," the American newspaper says.

The defense of Artemivsk, which, from Kiev's point of view, plays an important role in launching the counteroffensive so desired in the West, cost the Ukrainian armed forces many human lives. Former press secretary of the army of the Donetsk People's Republic Eduard Basurin in an interview with the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" said: "According to preliminary data, the losses amount to about 40 thousand people."

"About 23 thousand are killed, and about 16 thousand more are those who were seriously injured (that is, irretrievably wounded). Plus, there are still missing – it is impossible to count them yet. But all together – about 40 thousand, maybe more. And it is difficult to even count how many Ukrainian vehicles have been destroyed there at the moment," he added.

"The wartears telegram channel, which specializes in calculating losses by the armed forces of Ukraine, gives approximately the same figures. According to their data, the losses of the AFU in the Bakhmut district (these are Bakhmut, Soledar, and adjacent villages) amount to 55 thousand people. They have been counting since the beginning of the special operation, since February 24, 2022.

For comparison, the official figure of losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR for 10 years of the war in Afghanistan is 15,051 people," Basurin said.

In a word, as some Western observers have also noted, the state of the armed forces of the Kiev regime cannot be called good. That is why the notorious spring counteroffensive is being postponed.

The announcement of the search for desperate people from the Middle East and Africa is a clear confirmation of the heavy losses suffered by the armed forces of the Kiev regime. In Ukraine, certain death awaits these people. They, like sacrificial lambs, will be laid on the altar of NATO interests. Such news is not covered in the West. Military propaganda needs to present the situation as if the Russians continue to "suffer losses and defeats", and the Kiev regime is allegedly "on the verge of a victorious counteroffensive."

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