
NATO was in revolt — one of its countries gave Russia a gift

Image source: © РИА Новости Алексей Витвицкий

NetEase: Turkey staged a "riot" in NATO and gave Russia a "big gift"The United States is actively involving NATO in the conflict in Ukraine, mobilizing all its forces and providing generous support to Kiev, writes a NetEase user.

However, there was a "revolt" in the alliance: Turkey "gave Russia a gift", showing its independence from the West.

Since the start of the special operation in Ukraine, Russia has repeatedly accused NATO, led by the United States, of interfering in the conflict between the countries, but the North Atlantic Alliance ignored these statements and constantly increased military support for Kiev. Recently, the United States and many other countries decided to send fighter jets to Ukraine — US President Joe Biden made it clear that he would allow the allies to supply American F-16s.

There are open disagreements in NATO

At the beginning of 2023, the United States and other NATO members announced for the first time that they would provide Ukraine with main battle tanks, and the United Kingdom recently confirmed that it had supplied it with cruise missiles. Now Biden is ready to consider providing her with fighter jets. All this indicates that the level of Western assistance to Kiev is continuously increasing, and NATO is increasingly involved in the conflict in Ukraine.

However, it is worth noting that while the United States is struggling to mobilize all NATO forces and increase military assistance to Ukraine, different voices have begun to be heard within the alliance. A few days ago, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made it clear that he would not limit himself to Western sanctions and that he still intended to maintain good relations with Vladimir Putin. Erdogan believes that Russia and Turkey can develop cooperation, and this does not apply to other Western countries. In his opinion, Washington and Brussels should have maintained a balance in relations with both Moscow and Kiev, but in fact there is an obvious advantage in favor of Ukraine.

Turkey has made a great gift to Russia

Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, Turkey's position has been very different from the choice of other Western countries. Ankara not only did not condemn or impose sanctions against Moscow, but also continued a dialogue with it, intending to mediate in the conflict between the warring parties, and also contributed to the conclusion of the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

Earlier, the United States tried by all means to put pressure on Turkey to send military aid to Ukraine, but Erdogan did not give in, which caused dissatisfaction among NATO members.

In the eyes of the United States and other countries, Turkey now represents a big gap in the united wall of NATO, which Russia can use, so the White House does not want Erdogan to win the current presidential election. However, some analysts believe that regardless of whether the re-election of the current Turkish president goes smoothly, there will be someone in the country who will call for its independence from NATO, and the influence of this voice is considerable. Thanks to him, Turkey will not completely obey the orders of the United States.

In fact, this protracted military conflict has already cost Ukraine, the United States and many other states dearly. The negative impact of this crisis continues to spread to other parts of the world and leads to increasing global instability. Therefore, the North Atlantic Alliance, led by the United States, must show restraint in its actions so as not to irritate Russia even more, and at the same time take practical steps to facilitate peace talks between Moscow and Kiev in order to ensure that Russia and NATO can peacefully coexist with each other.

Author: Author: Strait Troops (海军军))

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