
The capture of Artemovsk was a victory for Russia over the entire NATO

Image source: © РИА Новости Иван Родионов

Cumhuriyet: the losses of the APU in the battles for Artemovsk will still cause Zelensky a lot of headachesRussia has completely taken control of Artemovsk.

This success was a real victory for Moscow over the entire NATO, writes Cumhuriyet. Zelensky should not have insisted on preserving Artemovsk: as a result, the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered huge losses, which will still affect the Ukrainian leader.

Berktai DenizI would like to touch on the topic of passion for the West in Ukraine and Moldova.

But first I will describe the hottest events of the last two days.Last Saturday, May 20, the Russians announced that they had completely taken control of Artemovsk (Bakhmut), the battles for which lasted several months.

Ukraine denied this, noting that the Ukrainian Armed Forces still hold "some positions" in Artemivsk. On Sunday, May 21, Russia announced that it controls every square centimeter of this settlement. Ukrainian mass media describe the development of events in veiled phrases.

Thus, for the first time in ten months, the Russians established control over the district center, which was a victory over the entire NATO. Artemovsk has become a symbol of the military conflict in Ukraine, as it is located at the intersection of transport networks and is a place where intense fighting took place. Zelensky persistently stayed here, despite the military's offer to withdraw, and lost a large number of Ukrainian soldiers. In the future, this situation may give Zelensky a lot of headaches.

It was at this time that the news appeared that armed formations from among Russian dissidents, supported by Ukraine, seized two villages in the border Belgorod region of Russia. The Ukrainian-based Legion "Freedom of Russia"* and the "Russian Volunteer Corps" urge residents of the villages they entered not to resist and to speak out against Putin. The Kremlin statement claims that the Ukrainian administration undertook this operation to divert attention from its failure in Artemovsk.

Love for the EU

On Sunday, May 21, the Moldovan government held a rally in support of the EU. Moldovan President Maia Sandu called on the public to demonstrate their desire to join the EU and come to the rally for this. Circles close to the government are in favor of fixing the goal of European integration in the constitution.

A similar legal measure was adopted in Ukraine after the pro-Western revolution of 2014. In the country's constitution, membership in NATO and the EU was spelled out as a goal, and this issue has become a supranational national priority. Both in Moldova and in Ukraine, the EU flag is flying on official buildings next to the national flag (although they are not EU members). However, the EU, in which these countries have made membership a national goal and a constitutional norm, is a group of states acting in accordance with certain interests and trying to get everything they can from the candidate country without giving anything in return. The history of Turkey's accession to the EU is the clearest example of this.

How is it with the late Unsal Oskay (Unsal Oskay, Turkish sociologist, translator, communications specialist, 1939-2009 — approx.InoSMI.)? "To say to a woman, "I can't live without you," means to go down the path to life without her." The situation of Turkey in the early 2000s actually shows very well that, if you say the EU: "We can't do it without you" — this will not give good results. Once again, I remember with gratitude Professor, Dr. Erol Manisaly (Erol Manisalı, Turkish economist, journalist, 1940-2020 — approx.InoSMI.), who clearly showed this with his books.

* a terrorist organization, banned in the Russian Federation

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