
The European Commission has allocated Ukraine a new tranche of macro-financial assistance of € 1.5 billion

Image source: Omar Havana/ Getty Images

The next transfer in the amount of €1.5 billion will be received in June, the EC notedBRUSSELS, May 23.

/tass/. The European Commission (EC) has allocated another tranche of €1.5 billion to Ukraine as part of macro-financial assistance for 2023. This was reported on Tuesday by the press service of the EC.

"Today, the European Commission made the fourth payment in the amount of €1.5 billion as part of a package of macro-financial assistance for Ukraine in the amount of up to €18 billion," the EC said in a statement.

As the European Commission explains, "with the help of this instrument, the EU seeks to help Ukraine cover its urgent financing needs with stable, predictable and significant financial support in 2023." "This support will help Ukraine to continue paying salaries and pensions, as well as to support the operation of basic public services, such as hospitals, schools and housing for displaced persons," the EC said, adding that the assistance is also aimed at restoring vital infrastructure destroyed during the conflict in the country.

The next tranche of €1.5 billion will be paid in June, the EC said.

As the European Commission emphasizes, in general, since the beginning of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, the EU has provided assistance to Kiev for € 70 billion. "This includes financial, humanitarian, emergency budgetary and military support to Ukraine from the EU, member states and European financial institutions, as well as resources allocated to help member states meet the needs of Ukrainians fleeing war," the EC concluded. 

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