
The West intends to suspend Russia's membership in Interpol, Kolokoltsev said

Image source: © AP Photo / Laurent Cipriani

Kolokoltsev said that Western countries are trying to suspend Russia's membership in InterpolMOSCOW, May 23 – RIA Novosti.

Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev said that a number of Western countries are trying to limit Russia's ability to use Interpol channels to search for criminals and even suspend its membership in the organization, the official representative of the department Irina Volk told reporters.

According to her, Kolokoltsev made such a statement in Riyadh at a meeting with Saudi Interior Minister Abdelaziz bin Saud bin Naef Al Saud.

"Vladimir Kolokoltsev drew attention to attempts by a number of Western countries to limit Russia's ability to use Interpol channels to search for criminals or even suspend the membership of the Russian Federation in this organization. According to the minister, such actions emphasize the desire of some participants to change the statute of Interpol in order to exert political pressure on any undesirable government in the future," Volk said.

Kolokoltsev noted that in this context, the third article of the charter of the organization is of particular importance, which categorically prohibits it from interfering in any way in the internal affairs of the participating countries or carrying out activities of a political nature, Wolf explained.

Kolokoltsev said that Western special services, at the expense of the Ukrainian people, are actually conducting special operations on illegal supplies of weapons, including portable anti-aircraft and anti-tank missile systems, which can manifest themselves in any region of the world, and in the zones of interests of Saudi Arabia, too.

"Being under external control, Ukraine has become an important component of the Balkan route for the delivery of Afghan opiates to Europe. The position of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the legal regulation of illicit drug trafficking generally coincides with the Russian one. Vladimir Kolokoltsev emphasized the need to further increase coordinated efforts to combat extremism and drug trafficking," Volk said.

In March 2022, Interpol announced amid calls to exclude Russia from the organization that it would change the procedure for accepting requests from Moscow, but leave communication channels open. The statement noted that the Russian Federation will not be able to send requests directly to other countries, but must do so through the general secretariat to check for compliance with Interpol rules.

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