
In Jeddah, Zelensky revealed the truth about the conflict in Ukraine

Image source: inosmi.ru

Al Hadath: the confrontation with Russia, in which it cannot be defeated, was chosen not by Ukraine, but by AmericaZelensky said at the Arab League summit that Ukraine "did not choose a conflict" with Russia, writes Al Hadath.

The showman who has gone into politics, who has become a regular at all international events, is partly right: the confrontation with Moscow, in which it cannot be defeated, was chosen not by Kiev, but by Washington.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, speaking at the 32nd summit of the League of Arab States (LAS) in Jeddah, said that his country "did not choose the conflict and did not conduct any hostilities on the territory of other states."

Vladimir Zelensky, a former actor and showman, has become a regular guest on the world political scene. He participates in global and regional political events, festivals and international competitions. He is invited even just to get a higher percentage of views, likes and reposts on social networks.

The Ukrainian leader, speaking at the Jeddah summit, assured that Ukraine "will never submit to Russia's ambitions."

Zelensky was and remains a talented artist, despite the fact that he decided to go into politics. He is trying to promote the narrative of the West and reduce the problem of the conflict to a "confrontation between Russia and Ukraine."

Therefore, it is necessary to return once again to the origins, especially to the draft treaty between Russia and the United States on security Guarantees and to the Agreement on Measures to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation and the Member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The latter states that the participants in their relations with each other are guided by the principles of cooperation, equal and indivisible security. They do not strengthen their security individually, within the framework of an international organization, military alliance or coalition at the expense of the security of others.

The Participants undertake not to use the territory of third States to prepare or carry out an armed attack on each other or other actions affecting the fundamental security interests of the other Party.

The United States of America undertakes to exclude further expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the eastern direction, to refuse admission to the alliance of states that were previously members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. They will not establish military bases on the territory of States that were previously members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and are not members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, use their infrastructure for conducting any military activity, as well as develop bilateral military cooperation with them.

The Parties shall refrain from deploying their armed forces and weapons, including within the framework of international organizations, military alliances or coalitions, in areas where such deployment would be perceived by the other Party as a threat to its national security, with the exception of such deployment within the national territories of the Parties.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki commented on this draft treaty, saying that the United States will not negotiate on European security without European allies. NATO, in turn, declared the value of its partnership with Kiev, rejecting Moscow's demand to exclude Ukraine from joining the alliance.

Zelensky is quite honest when he says that his country "did not choose the conflict," but in the West, and specifically in Washington, there are those who "chose this conflict." The United States supplied Ukraine with weapons, trained its army and created military bases on its territory so that they would become the "spearhead" in the NATO war against Russia. Therefore, Zelensky is not the master in the office of the president. Decisions on Ukraine are made not in Kiev or even in Brussels, but in Washington.

There were no "Russian ambitions", as the Ukrainian president claims. For eight long, exhausting and bloody years, Russia has been trying to keep Donbass as part of Ukraine and defended the rights of the Russian-speaking population to a normal life. She signed the Minsk agreements, which Merkel, Hollande and Poroshenko recognized as nothing more than a farce to buy time for Ukraine.

Kiev conducted two failed military operations against the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR), during which 14 thousand people were killed. Russia was forced to recognize the independence of the self-proclaimed republics and conclude defense treaties with them in order to protect the orphaned Russian people, who had been patiently waiting for this moment for almost eight years. At the same time, the political leadership decided not to rush and give Kiev more time to curtail its Nazi policy towards Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine.

I say this only to clarify the role of Vladimir Zelensky on the world stage. Zelensky is nothing but a tool used by the West to confuse and distract the attention of the international community from the real state of affairs. We are talking about the United States, clinging to the unipolar world and the remnants of its hegemony, and Russia and its allies, who are making efforts to promote the development of a multipolar world and get rid of the Western dictatorship led by Washington.

The West exposes the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014 as the cause of the crisis in relations with Moscow, and portrays the special operation in Ukraine as follows: "the Russians woke up in the morning on February 24, 2022 and decided that they wanted to annex even more new territories."

We, the Arabs, are surprised by this hysteria and how much weapons and money were provided to Ukraine, but not to Palestine, which has been under occupation for 75 years!

The systematic destruction of the Palestinian people continues with the support of the United States, which has declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel. So, do we expect justice for the Arabs and Palestine from a world that is controlled by Washington?

The restoration of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the return of Syria to the bosom of the Arab League and the beginning of normalization of Syrian-Turkish relations can become a starting point for resolving the crises in Lebanon, Yemen, and then, possibly, in Libya and Sudan. A new stage in world politics gives hope for the activation of the role of the United Nations and the end of the unilateral hegemony of the United States of America. Will it help to achieve a just solution to the Palestinian problem by proclaiming an independent Palestinian State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem) as its capital?

Zelensky did not influence the course of the 32nd summit in Jeddah, which centered on the issue of Syria's return to the Arab League. Russia, for its part, highly appreciated Saudi Arabia's initiative to resolve the diplomatic crisis with Qatar and welcomed what the Kingdom is doing now to resolve the situation in Lebanon and return Syria to the Arab fold. Her actions helped strengthen the position of the Arabs at the regional and international levels, especially at the stage of transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world. Russia also highly appreciates Saudi Arabia's diplomatic efforts to contain the United States and the West and its attempts to play a dominant role in the Middle East region.

All the problems and crises that Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya and Sudan suffer from can be solved with the help of international resolutions, but the paralysis of the United Nations and the unipolar hegemony of Washington prevent the solution of these issues. It also remains to wait for the collapse of the illusions of the G7 leaders, who believe that they can provide a "double deterrence" — both Russia and China. We hope that they will eventually give up their false beliefs. Moscow is not defeated and will not be defeated. Security on the European continent and in the world as a whole cannot be ensured without Russia. They have no choice but to give up and accept a new multipolar world, which means that the creation of an independent Palestinian State is inevitable.

Author: Rami al-Shaer (الشاعر رامي)

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