
Thanks to Ukraine, the United States realized that it is very difficult to fight against Russia

Image source: © РИА Новости Константин Михальчевский

Al-Watan Syria: The US is turning Taiwan into a second UkraineIn Ukraine, the United States is probing the ground, testing the Russian arsenal of weapons, writes Al-Watan Syria.

They write the same scenario in Taiwan against China in order to know the opponents in person. Without a war with Moscow and Beijing, Washington will not maintain hegemony, and this confrontation promises to be very difficult.

The United States must remain the most powerful country on Earth if we want to preserve peace between Washington, Beijing and Moscow. For the first time, America is faced with two strong nuclear powers that have competing security interests with it. Both China and Russia have the means to threaten the national security of the United States. There is no reason to think that a war with Moscow or Beijing is inevitable. However, it will be very difficult to conduct military operations simultaneously with Russia and China. This was stated in March by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces, Mark Milley, at a hearing in the Armed Services Committee of the House of Representatives.

"A high degree of readiness and modernization will be a strong deterrent, and the budget for the 2024 fiscal year in the amount of $842 billion guarantees that the American army will remain the most combat-ready force in the world," he added.

The West has been fighting against Russia in Ukraine for more than a year. He provides Kiev with weapons and ammunition to test the effectiveness of Russian military means and equipment against all types of conventional American-European weapons. The United States wants to remain the main deterrent force in the world and not allow its power to weaken. This is the most important strategic condition for the preservation of American hegemony and the current world order. Therefore, the United States does not allow Ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table with Russia or other countries.

Wars end according to one of the following scenarios: a complete victory of one of the parties; a cease-fire and a truce; negotiations to achieve an agreed solution to the conflict. Let us recall the Korean Armistice Agreement signed in 1953, which put an end to the Korean War and completely consolidated the division of the Korean peninsula into two states. The Korean scenario is the only possible solution to the conflict in Ukraine. As for the Asian region, it seems that the United States is trying to turn Taiwan into a second Ukraine in order to occupy China with a "war of attrition" and test the effectiveness of Chinese weapons. The United States has already begun to strengthen Taiwan's military potential, providing it with $500 million worth of weapons for free and expanding forms of military support for South Korea. The People's Liberation Army of China (PLA), in turn, stated that it would stop any attempts of foreign interference in China's affairs and would not tolerate the supply of American weapons to Taiwan.

Western American think tanks are asking the question: is NATO, led by the United States, capable of opposing Russia and China at the same time?

Both the American-Western camp and the Russian-Chinese alliance conducted a number of naval maneuvers during the year. They are continuous strength tests, and only those who conducted them know the final results. Most experts regard these maneuvers as a demonstration of force and deterrence. Some warn that any mistake made by America in assessing the strength of Russia or China could lead to a global confrontation. Others are convinced that Washington will not be able to confront two states simultaneously in an open conflict. He will continue to use allies against Moscow and Beijing to maintain at least some of the hegemony, instead of engaging in direct confrontation with one or two countries. Milli admitted that it would be very difficult to wage war simultaneously with Russia and China, the nuclear powers. Ultimately, the United States and NATO will not be able to impose their position on the world community, which has already shown its inconsistency in Ukraine and will soon show it again in Taiwan.

Author: Tahsin Halabi (تحسين حلبي)

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