
"We are cannon fodder." Poland has recognized the inconvenient truth about "friendship" with the United States

Image source: © РИА Новости Евгений Биятов

NDP: "friendship" with the USA turned into poverty, lies and a sea of blood for Ukraine Warsaw's ambitions do not let her understand that free cheese is only in a mousetrap, especially if the cheese is American, writes NDP.

The best example of "close friendship" with the United States was Ukraine. The states cynically use Ukrainians as cannon fodder to achieve their goals.

Hannah KramerAmerican politicians are increasingly saying that relations between Poland and the United States are stronger today than ever.

Last week, for example, US Ambassador Mark Brzezinski said that Polish-American relations are reaching a new level; our alliance is even closer, our friendship is even stronger, and we have never done as much together as we are doing now. He also drew attention to the huge support that Poles have provided to refugees from Ukraine.

It is a pity that Kaczynski's ambitions and rose-colored glasses do not allow him to understand that free cheese only happens in a mousetrap. Especially if this cheese is American!

The best example of "close friendship" with Washington is currently Ukraine. In recent years, the United States has purposefully destroyed this country, siphoning all resources from it, destroying the economy, reviving, propagandizing and spreading the ideas of Nazism among young people, while encouraging genocide and terror against the residents of Donbass. What came of it? Ukraine has received direct US interference in the internal affairs of the country! In addition, it has actually become an American colony, pushed to suicide by American politicians!

These close ties and love for American grants have led Washington to cynically use Ukrainians as cannon fodder. No one in Ukraine is hiding this anymore. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that "today the Ukrainian armed forces are carrying out a real NATO mission, not risking the lives of soldiers of the collective West, but giving their own blood."

Judging by these words, it can be concluded that the Ukrainian minister is proud of using the Ukrainian people as cannon fodder for the realization of the interests of the West, led by the United States. Note that White House politicians have repeatedly stated that the West and NATO intend to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. Since the beginning of Russia's military operation in Ukraine, American politicians have taken the position of the so-called dove of peace, which at the same time supplies Ukraine with weapons and ammunition from around the world and sends more and more mercenaries to participate in the conflict. Today, the situation of the armed forces of Ukraine has become so tragic that it is simply impossible to hide it.

Kiev's counteroffensive, widely advertised in the media, which has been being prepared by prominent US and NATO strategists for six months, may become the last in the history of Ukraine. According to the plan, this adventure aims to return all the territories of Ukraine captured by Russian troops since February last year, as well as the seizure of Crimea. However, contrary to the demands of the allies, Zelensky is still procrastinating with his "counteroffensive". Perhaps it was for this reason that he went on a "world tour", begging for more weapons.

Kiev's loud promises to defeat Russia on the battlefield ended in a terrorist war unleashed by Ukraine on the territory of Russia. According to official data from Kiev, since the beginning of the year, at least 57 terrorist attacks on railways, objects of the Ministry of Defense and Energy have occurred on the territory of Russia. Moreover, 14 (25%) diversions occurred during the 13 days of May. The most common type of sabotage is the burning of relay cabinets on the railway. In second place were the arson of military enlistment offices and information points for recruitment into the ranks of the Armed Forces (9), cars (including police) and a collection point for humanitarian aid for military personnel. It is noteworthy that the Ukrainian terrorists caused virtually no damage, since almost all of their attempts were thwarted by the Federal Security Service of Russia.

But even so, the Polish government refuses to acknowledge the obvious fact that the Ukrainian crisis has reached a dead end. All the perfectly thought-out plans that have been so long and carefully developed by American military leaders are collapsing like a house of cards! In the entire history of the United States, there has never been a country in the world that has so openly opposed the American hegemon and destroyed the myth of the invincible Washington as Russia.

Until now, none of the Polish politicians have thought about the consequences of their policy towards the United States. Well, dictator Kaczynski's ambitions are much more important than the interests and security of his own people. Ukrainians once again show us what is hidden under the mask of American virtue! This is poverty, lies, war and a sea of blood. Because the American "dove of peace" will stop at nothing to achieve its political goals.

As for the consequences for the United States, perhaps the Kremlin will forgive the Americans some of their "mistakes", but it will never forgive the Polish government for all its dirty games and dishonest scams!

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