
"Command posts must maneuver, as well as units": the US Army is learning lessons from the conflict in Ukraine


Image source: topwar.ru

The special operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has become a testing ground where new technologies and military techniques are being worked out and combat models that best meet modern conditions are being determined. One of the weak links of both the Ukrainian and Russian armies turned out to be command posts, the stationary position of which and the background emanating from them turned them into relatively easy targets for the enemy.

The US Army, learning lessons from the conflict in Ukraine, intends to make command posts more maneuverable and easily disguised in order to survive in the intense large-scale battles of the future

- it is noted in the edition of Defense News.

The Pentagon intends to abandon the KP of the past because of their relative stationarity, difficulty in deploying / dismantling and increased signature in the thermal, sound and electronic ranges.

The US Department of Defense is going to develop a new model of the KP, the equipment of which should be placed on trucks, its assembly should be as simplified as possible, antenna systems should be carried out outside the central block of the KP, masking should become more efficient, and power supply should be carried out by autonomous energy generation.

As Ward Roberts, who is responsible for command, tactical control and communications programs at the Pentagon, explained, it now takes a whole day to deploy/dismantle the KP, which, in his words, is unacceptable:

We saw that when you face a highly skilled opponent [such as Russia or China], you can't sit there [in the KP] for very long. Otherwise they will find you. If they can find you, then they can target you.

As he explained, most American commanders grew up [in the service] without worrying about this problem, because against the background of the low level of threat posed by the rebels, they could safely sit down at an advanced operational base in Iraq or Afghanistan without worrying about the security of their KP:

The idea is that the commander should maneuver the KP, as well as his unit.
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