
Russia has broken NATO's spine and deprived Ukraine of a chance for a "counteroffensive"

Image source: © РИА Новости Алексей Майшев

Al Binaa: Russia's unique strategy has deprived Ukraine of the chances of a successful "counteroffensive"Russia has fulfilled its main tasks in Ukraine and "broke the backbone" of NATO generals thanks to its unique strategy, writes Al Binaa.

So, she completely destroyed Western weapons in a warehouse near Khmelnitsky without any losses, depriving the APU of all chances of success of the "counteroffensive", the author of the article is sure.

Russia has fulfilled the main tasks of the special military operation in Ukraine. She liberated the territories of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, where the vast majority of the Russian-speaking population lives. The Russian army uses a unique strategy. It divides the strategic area into several sectors, surrounds each of them, and then conducts an operation to liberate them. The Russians literally lure NATO weapons and equipment into these sectors and destroy them, and they try to do it with the least human losses and material damage for themselves.

Russia adheres to this strategy in Bakhmut (Ukrainian Aleppo) and in other areas where mercenaries, ammunition, equipment and weapons of NATO countries flock.

One of the most important, dangerous and successful operations was carried out in Khmelnytskyi.

The source, who wished to remain anonymous, commented on the destruction by the Russian army of the largest ammunition depot in Ukraine.

There were a total of 52,000 155-mm artillery shells with depleted uranium in a warehouse near Khmelnitsky, which the United States has been supplying to Ukraine over the past three months.

Western weapons were completely destroyed during the bombing by Russian long-range precision missiles.

The American portal The War Zone published a video showing that after the explosion, a column of flame and smoke rose into the air in the form of a cloud, shaped like a mushroom from a nuclear explosion.

The NATO Operational headquarters in Warsaw, which is tasked with managing military operations in Ukraine, was supposed to transfer these ammunition to the artillery brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to cover the Zaporozhye and Kherson fronts. The main NATO forces were to be concentrated on these two fronts in order to cut off land communication with the Crimea for the Russian army and, possibly, to transfer Ukrainian troops to the northern and northeastern borders of the peninsula.

A strategic missile strike on warehouses with Western weapons broke the spine of NATO generals who led the transfer of weapons, ammunition and military personnel to conduct a "counteroffensive", which was planned by operational headquarters in Warsaw, Lviv and Nikolaev.

The Russian army has finally and irrevocably eliminated the possibility of any Ukrainian "counteroffensive" aimed at changing the balance of forces on the ground. It launched a missile attack on warehouses with Western weapons, without losing a single serviceman, not a single unit of military equipment, while undermining the plans of NATO led by the United States at the global strategic level.

Author: Muhammad Sadiq Al-Husseini (محمد ─ادم الحسيني)

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Comments [4]
18.05.2023 09:07
Уже не знаешь, чему верить. Неужели правда!?
18.05.2023 17:10
Видел два взрыва в виде атомгриба. Что не говори долбануло сильно. Тут фейком и не пахнет.
19.05.2023 00:38
Цитата, q
Россия выполнила основные задачи специальной военной операции на Украине. Она освободила территории ДНР, ЛНР, Запорожской и Херсонской областей, где проживает подавляющее большинство русскоязычного населения.

Автору похоже лишка заплатили за хвалебную статью, он и перестарался с оценкой  результатов СВО ...
Территории ДНР, ЛНР, Запорожской и Херсонской областей за год с лишним проведения СВО так и  не освобождены, опасность контрнатупления ВСУ сохраняется, да и уничтожение 50 тысяч боеприпаов из заявленного НАТО миллиона шт.  всего лишь 5%........
19.05.2023 07:29
Цитата, aleks55 сообщ. №2
Видел два взрыва в виде атомгриба. Что не говори долбануло сильно. Тут фейком и не пахнет
Ну, судя по внезапным поставкам крылатых ракет и резко участившимися разговорами о поставках ф-16, контрнаступ, такой, каким он был запланирован, явно был сорван. Удары оказались действительно эффективными, но это ещё ничего не значит. Сейчас навезут ускоренными темпами более эффекного оружия и попытаются исправить положение.
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