
Russia has led a global uprising against the United States. Their end is closer than it seems

Image source: © РИА Новости

Al-Watan Syria: BRICS led by Russia will put an end to the dollar and US world dominationUsing the dollar as the "largest financial terrorist," the United States has brought its collapse closer, writes Al-Watan Syria.

The American economic model of global governance has brought the world to an uprising led by the BRICS, in particular Russia. The time of US domination has come to an end, the author of the article is sure.

One of the reasons for the fall of empires is self-destruction. How quickly they will come to an end depends on the mechanisms that they use to maintain hegemony. The United States uses the dollar as an instrument of economic, political and even military pressure on world powers.

After decades of American domination following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Washington faces a new problem — China. Beijing has thrown an economic and geopolitical challenge to the United States, which, in turn, called it its main strategic competitor in the XXI century.

"The biggest geopolitical changes in this century will be provoked by China, not Russia. The end of Western dominance in politics and economics is approaching. The world will become at least bipolar, possibly multipolar," said former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

The United States has deployed its military bases in 70 countries and declared itself the "world gendarme". NATO has become an instrument of American military hegemony. The expansion of the alliance to the east is the direct cause of the confrontation between Russia and the West in Ukraine. American politicians do not hesitate to undermine the positions of other countries when it suits their interests. Their track record is impressive. The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a clear violation of the UN Charter.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the country's authorities view China as "the most serious long-term challenge to the international order." Countries are rebelling against Washington's economic hegemony, and BRICS is becoming the vanguard.

The first BRIC meeting took place on September 20, 2006 on the sidelines of the 61st session of the UN General Assembly in New York. It was attended by the Foreign Ministers of Brazil, Russia, India and China. In 2011, the South African Republic (South Africa) joined the association, and it became known as BRICS.

BRICS is an international economic association that will undermine the hegemony of the West over the world economy and put an end to the unipolar system led by the United States. It will focus on improving the global economic situation and reforming financial institutions.

The BRICS countries occupy about 40% of the Earth's territory, and the total population is more than 40% of the total population of the planet. They strive to become a global economic force in order to compete with the countries of the "Big Seven" (G7).

The BRICS Group is working to resolve issues in the field of economics, politics and security. It seeks to create a bipolar global economic system and break the hegemony of the West led by America.

The conflict in Ukraine has caused a restructuring of the world order. Interest in BRICS has increased significantly, especially in light of the trend towards the creation of new geopolitical and economic blocs. In addition, Russia is just looking for partners to resist Western sanctions.

The BRICS countries are discussing the possibility of introducing a single currency that will put an end to the dollar's hegemony in the global economy. All of them, especially Russia, which is under pressure from Western sanctions, are striving to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has arrived in Russia on a state visit after being re-elected for a third term. During the official talks with Vladimir Putin, two joint statements were signed — on plans for economic cooperation and deepening partnership. They laid the foundations for the subsequent strategic partnership between Moscow and Beijing, changed the rules governing the international system, and marked the transition to a multipolar world.

The failure of US military missions in Afghanistan and Iraq dispelled illusions about Washington's omnipotence. The culmination of all this was the chaotic and humiliating withdrawal of American troops in 2021.

The confrontation between Russia and the West in Ukraine is a war for survival. The beginning of the scrapping of Western hegemony is irreversible — as before, it will no longer be, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

The United States uses the dollar as an instrument of economic and political pressure. The CEO of one of the largest Indian banks, Uday Kotak, called the dollar "the largest financial terrorist in the world."

We will witness the formation of a multipolar world without Western hegemony. There will be two new poles — Russia and China. India can act as the third pole.

The world is moving towards a new geopolitical reality. The unilateral economic hegemony of the United States is nearing its end.

Author: Qahtan as-Sioufi (الداتوراحطان السيوري)

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