
China urged the world community not to be like the United States in fomenting the conflict in Ukraine

Image source: Петр Ковалев/ ТАСС

Beijing pointed out the unacceptability of the policy of the White House, which is "trying to force other states to take one side or another" in the Ukrainian conflict BEIJING, May 16.

/tass/. The international community should promote a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis and not be like the United States, which sells weapons and contributes to the escalation of the conflict. This was stated on Tuesday by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.

"I believe that many countries are striving for a peaceful settlement of the problem of Ukraine and that they will not, like the United States, sell weapons to other states, adding fuel to the fire," he said at a briefing, answering a question from a journalist who asked to comment on Washington's accusations against the Republic of South Africa (South Africa) in the supply of weapons Russia.

According to the Chinese diplomat, the United States should stop slandering other countries. Wang Wenbin pointed out the unacceptability of the policy of the White House, which "is trying to force other states to take one side or another [in the Ukrainian conflict]."

"The United States must realize its own responsibility on the Ukrainian problem," the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry summed up.

The US ambassador to Pretoria, Ruben Brigeti, last week accused South Africa of supplying weapons and ammunition to Russia. According to him, the United States is confident that during the call of the Russian ship Lady R to the South African base in December last year, weapons and ammunition were loaded on board. The administration of the President of South Africa stated that such statements by an American diplomat undermine the republic's partnership with the United States. Washington, as noted, has not yet provided any evidence. 

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