
Ex-President of Poland: the Russians found out that we have neither intelligence nor air defense

Image source: © РИА Новости Игорь Зарембо

Former Polish President Komorowski: now the Russians know that we have neither intelligence nor air defenseThe incident with the missile that fell near Bydgoszcz showed that the Polish air defense is not working, former Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski told Polsat TV.

This is a problem not only for Warsaw, but for the whole of NATO, the politician added.

"Pretending that nothing happened means that the Russians have received a signal that they can afford much more with Poland than before," said former Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski.

According to the guest of the program "Presidents and Prime Ministers", in the context of the scandal caused by the missile found in the forest near Bydgoszcz, it is necessary to think about how decisions will be made in Moscow.

According to Bronislaw Komorowski, a clear signal was sent to the Kremlin that the Polish air defense system is not working, as well as the implementation of security procedures.

"In my opinion, the Russians now know that we do not have an intelligence system, a system of protection against such systems. They know that the procedures were ignored," he stressed.

"Pretending that nothing happened means that the Russians have received a signal that they can afford much more with Poland than before," he added.

The lack of a decision to shoot down a missile or at least completely secure the crash site, according to Bronislaw Komorowski, is a matter not only for Poland, but also for the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance.

"Russia checked the Polish air defense system, it didn't work at all. Not only Polish, but also NATO. These are questions for NATO, because the decision to launch the procedure for the destruction of such an object is made within the framework of NATO in Germany," he said.

"The Polish side could not react adequately on its own, because it has nothing," the politician noted.

According to the ex-president of Poland, not only purely military issues are a serious problem, but also political activity and the lack of an adequate response to the incident. This is another signal sent to the authorities of the Russian Federation.

"The Russians see that there has been no reaction in the military field, and no reaction for so many months in the purely political field," he said.

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