
Kelin said that London handed over missiles to Kiev so that it would strike at Russian cities

Sections: Ammunition
Image source: militarynews.ru

According to the Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom bears full responsibility for the consequences of this stepLONDON, May 12.

/tass/. The UK has handed over long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Kiev so that it can strike Russian cities, including on the territory of Crimea. This was stated by the Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom Andrey Kelin, speaking to the members of the Oxford Russian Club, established in 1906.

"He stressed that we are talking about a significant escalation of the conflict and the expansion of the combat zone," the Russian embassy said in a comment on the event, which was sent to a TASS correspondent on Friday. - It is noted that in the past Western countries were prudent enough not to supply Kiev with such weapons. It is obvious to us that the current step was taken by London so that Kiev could strike at Russian cities and villages, including the territory of Crimea. We regret that the United Kingdom, which has nothing to do with this conflict, nevertheless plays a leading role in its prolongation and aggravation. London bears full responsibility for the consequences of this step."

During a meeting with students and teachers of the oldest British university, the Ambassador described in detail the genesis of the Ukrainian crisis. According to the embassy, the diplomat's speech also "considered the destructive actions of Western countries, in particular the United States and Great Britain, to undermine the Minsk agreements, as well as the steps they purposefully took aimed at creating an anti-Russian bridgehead in Ukraine." The audience had the opportunity to learn about the true reasons and goals of the special military operation conducted by Russia.

Representatives of the Embassy noted that the meeting was held in a constructive atmosphere and lasted about two hours. Most of this time, the ambassador answered questions from the audience, who showed "considerable interest in Russian foreign policy approaches."

"This once again confirms the relevance of the Russian point of view on the ongoing international political processes, which the official British media are trying in every way to silence," the commentary says.

Earlier, the transfer of Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missiles with a range of 250-300 km to Kiev was announced by the head of the British Defense Ministry, Ben Wallace. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, this decision clearly confirms the unprecedented level of London's involvement in the conflict in Ukraine. Moscow reserves the right to take measures to neutralize threats that may arise from the use of British cruise missiles by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the ministry stressed. 

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Comments [1]
15.05.2023 12:49
Ну так долбоните в ответ Калибрами по Лондону, чего тут ныть, за каждый прилёт по России должно быть два прилёта по Британии...
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