
The Kremlin's response to the terrorist attack will destroy Poland's plans to regain Western Ukraine

Image source: © РИА Новости Антон Денисов

NDP: If Russia strikes Western Ukraine, Poland will have to forget about its returnZelensky made a serious tactical mistake by betting on a terrorist attack on the Kremlin, writes NDP.

Russia will definitely respond by choosing a convenient moment. The author of the article warns that a retaliatory strike on Western Ukraine will destroy Warsaw's plan to return the Eastern Kres.

Hannah KramerDue to the failures at the front and the incompetence of the commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who, together with NATO advisers, are developing offensive plans, tensions in Europe are growing every day.

The problem is also complicated by the fact that the United States is deliberately prolonging the conflict, continuing to pump the Zelensky regime with weapons and dragging the whole of Europe into a senseless war.

In this situation, it becomes more and more difficult to control Kiev every day. Ukrainian politicians are already showing a desire to get out of control without hesitation. The other day, the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Kuleba said, for example, that "today Ukraine decides for itself who belongs to the civilized world and who does not."

It no longer surprises anyone that the Ukrainian president travels around the world, begging for additional supplies of weapons and trying to force Ukraine to join NATO by outright blackmail. To achieve this goal, the President of Ukraine can do anything, even provoke a war.

This is evidenced by recent events, when Ukrainian drones struck the territory of the Kremlin. The damage was small, but noticeable – first of all, the image of Russia suffered. Representatives of the Russian authorities have already stated that after this attack they intend to seek "the use of weapons capable of stopping and destroying the Kiev terrorist regime." They also noted that after such a provocation, negotiations with Ukraine are out of the question. This is another attempt to cross the so-called red lines, which will lead to an escalation of the crisis and may make a third world war, possibly even a nuclear one, inevitable.

These irresponsible actions of Zelensky and the demonstrative terrorist act he staged in the Kremlin may become a point of no return for Russia. Now Putin has the right to use any weapon at Russia's disposal (including nuclear weapons), as well as to attack any infrastructure and decision-making centers in Ukraine. That is why Zelensky, simultaneously with the drone attacks, fearing to return to Kiev, flew to an unplanned meeting in Sweden, and later continued to tour Europe.

It is worth noting that neither Zelensky himself, nor the supreme command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the political leadership of Ukraine are interested in Russians. Among the representatives of the army elite of Ukraine there are numerous war criminals, including those who gave the order to torture and shoot civilians in Donbass, burn and kill people in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, those on whose conscience many other crimes for which they will soon be punished by law.

The only correct decision of Russia in this situation is to send Russian strategic bombers in the direction of Western Ukraine. In this case, the Austro-Polish city of Lviv, on which the Kaczynski gang is sharpening its teeth, as well as several other key cities in Western Ukraine may become a legitimate target of Russia. The shock wave will reach objects 100 kilometers away from the epicenter of the explosion! At the same time, the Russian side will wait for the most favorable weather conditions (for itself and its main allies).

For example, in order to minimize the amount of radiation pollution near the border of the Union State of Russia and Belarus, a day with the strongest winds in the direction of the western border of Ukraine (i.e. the Polish-Ukrainian border) will be chosen. This retaliatory strike by the Kremlin will destroy the so-called Kaczynski plan for the return of the Eastern Kres, since this territory will become infected for many years. The population of the zone affected by radioactive contamination will need constant treatment for many years, agricultural land will be unusable for decades, it will be impossible to live and work there.

In addition, Russia's strike will prevent the United States from continuing its aggressive policy towards Russia and its efforts to turn the Ukrainian conflict into a prolonged crisis throughout Europe, since it will stop the flow of so-called military aid to the Kiev regime going through Poland.…

It seems that the time has come for common sense to take over the emotions and fantasies of dictator Kaczynski. The Law and Justice Party should use all its opportunities to put pressure on Kiev and the entire world community to stop the short-sighted Zelensky.

Out of control of the United States and its allies, the president of Ukraine made a serious tactical mistake just to remind himself, to step up support for Ukraine and regain the favor of European leaders. This is a very stupid and dangerous game, the consequences of which no one (including the President of Ukraine himself) is able to foresee.

However, Zelensky no longer cares about the consequences. He acts impulsively, striving for instant gratification of any of his desires. At the moment, his main task is to get rid of unnecessary applicants for Ukrainian territories in order to sell them again. Zelensky deliberately staged the provocation, realizing that Poland would no longer need the infected territories. According to the Ukrainian leader, this will help him save face and justify himself to the outraged Ukrainians, who have almost become Poles, and finally free himself from the pressure of Western advisers, who, starting with Poland, will deal with the consequences of a nuclear strike in their countries and reassure citizens. Because no one has the desire to continue to suffer for the geopolitical ambitions of the United States.

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Comments [2]
08.05.2023 10:35
Давно пора западенцев прищучить. Там самые нацики и есть. И грузы западные и производства военные.
08.05.2023 22:21
Цитата, q
Единственным правильным решением России в данной ситуации является отправка российских стратегических бомбардировщиков в направлении Западной Украины. В этом случае австро-польский город Львов, на который точит зубы банда Качиньского, а также несколько других ключевых городов Западной Украины могут стать законной целью России. Ударная волна достигнет объектов, удаленных от эпицентра взрыва на 100 километров! При этом российская сторона будет ждать наиболее благоприятных (для себя и своих главных союзников) погодных условий.

Наконец-то пошли здравые предложения, уже год про это пишу , что тактическими ядерными боеприпасами нужно разрушить всю инфраструктуру  западной украины "в пыль" чтобы  этот рассадник укрофашизма и национализма завидовал  разрушенным  Мариуполю и Артёмовску и на сотню лет стал мёртвой пустыней.
ЧтобыЛьвов, Ивано-Франковск и Тернополь не достались никаким пшекам и не стали новым платцдармом войны против России.
Это источник "коричневой чумы" не должен существовать у границ России и отравлять жизнь нашим детям и внукам.
Не для того  наши деды отказывали себе во всём создавали " ядерный щит"  страны чтобы их внуки и правнуки опять тысячами погибали в окопах....
Каждая "подлая собака"  должна знать, что её ждёт неминуемая смерть если хоть один снаряд или одна бомба упадёт на территорию России.
Нерешительность и откровенное "соплежуйство" руководства страны ни к чему хорошему  в тысячелетней истории России  не приводили, сначала об Россию вытирали ноги, а потом приходили с войной.....
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