Russian flexible displays will last 20 years Specialists of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, with the direct support of engineers from other organizations, have developed a new and very promising technology for the production of flexible matrices for mobile electronics, which will serve for about 20 years.
Moreover, they have three times more brightness than similar solutions used in modern folding smartphones.
According to Ivan Mukhin, a representative of SPbPU, flexible semiconductor LEDs produced by a new method will be more expensive than the bending OLED screens currently popular with manufacturers, but they will offer higher brightness and increased durability, which will significantly expand their scope of application. At the same time, the launch of mass production will definitely lead to a reduction in cost. It should be noted here that modern mobile devices with folding cases are equipped with affordable matrices, but their full service life does not exceed three years, after which their brightness is lost. In the development of St. Petersburg scientists, it is supposed to use filamentous nanocrystals in the form of 100-nanometer diameter cylinders with a length of several microns, each of which can both glow and bend.
Max Antonov