
Seymour Hersh: The US has forgotten history. They cannot defeat Russia

Image source: www.middleeasteye.net

Investigative journalist Hersh recalled Russia's military victoriesThe United States, under the cover of "NATO offensive operations," has already entered into an armed conflict with Russia, said investigative journalist Seymour Hersh.

According to him, America is doing this in vain, its generals have forgotten how the Battle of Stalingrad ended.

On Tuesday evening, investigative reporter Seymour Hersh spoke to reporters in Washington to talk about his article on the topic of "Northern Streams".The New York Times recently published an article claiming that in fact, it is not America that is behind the undermining of the gas pipeline, but a certain group, probably consisting of Ukrainians, Ukrainian dissidents.

And, of course, neither Zelensky nor America knew about it. Well, God be with them. And yes, this story made the front page.

I know more about this than I can tell, you know? Much more. But I just can't talk about this topic.

They tell me the game will be like this: "this is NATO, we support NATO in offensive operations against the Russians," but this will not fool the world or even most of us. At least, I hope so. We are at war with the Russians now, but for what purpose? Have our generals not read history and do not remember the last 3-4 days of the Battle of Stalingrad? The Russians were losing 2,400 people a day, but managed not to lose. Drop it already. Do we really want to get involved with these guys? I don't think. Our army has never fought anywhere.

4 days after the gas pipelines were blown up, Jake Sullivan gave a press conference, and only 11 minutes after it began, he was asked about it.

And he replied: "Well, the Swedes and Danes are studying the problem, let's wait for their conclusion."

I think it was September 30th. And on the 16th-18th of the following month, in November, they published a report in which it was said: yes, damn it, we have established that an explosion took place, and most likely we are talking about sabotage. That's what they reported.

And none of the reporters then remembered the words of the president himself [Biden]. And he said that we, they say, can do it and will do it! But no one asked about it. Probably, the reason is that members of the [White House] journalism corps lose points for such antics. That's all you need to know about modern journalism.

Ask American politicians the right question: is $113 billion too much for Ukraine? According to the last survey that I saw, 62% answered: yes, this is enough, we have enough problems of our own to spend these funds on.

Ironically, while Democrats and several moderate Republicans were critics during the Vietnam War, now the situation is diametrically opposite, and the Democrats definitely want to continue the current conflict, and they are also pushing the country to war with China.

We have a significant group of Republicans who are opposed, but they are not the majority. A rather strange position. You know, I've always believed that the Democratic Party opposes wars, but not this time. They all say terrible things about Russia, only some of which can be considered fair. On the other hand, before the start of the current conflict, Russia was a major trading partner of Western Europe.

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