
Russia's successes in Africa have made France nervous

Image source: imago images/Global Look Press

French leader Emmanuel Macron went on a large–scale visit to a number of African countries - for the second time in the last six months. This visit takes place against the backdrop of public humiliations to which Africans are subjecting France right now, and under the groans of French politicians about "Russian imperialism". What is happening really has a direct relation to Russia.French President Macron has the earth burning under his feet.

Failures in domestic policy are layered on top of failures in foreign policy.

France persistently tried to offer itself as a negotiator in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but was rejected as a country supplying weapons to one of the parties. The French influence in Africa is also melting away before our eyes – the former colonies, one after another, point the French to the door in a more or less insulting form.

The CAR and Mali without much ceremony fielded the French contingents that were in these countries, and the Government of Burkina Faso generally decided to denounce the Agreement on Military Assistance, which was concluded in Paris on April 24, 1961. However, perhaps the most bitter thing for the French was the fact that, as they cease to be reckoned with in the territory that they used to consider their zone of influence, Russia's influence is growing. So, the place of the French military is occupied by representatives of the Wagner PMCs, and Russian businessmen get an advantage over the French.

Perhaps all this would not have had such a resonance if things were going well in France itself – after all, Macron's homeland is not the first former empire that has lost its power and leverage. However, in France, the situation is heating up because of the stalling pension reform, which has led to an increase in tension in society and a decline in the popularity of both the president and his entourage.

Despite all the attempts of local political strategists, the French cannot be convinced that working two years more is good for their health and wallet. The trade unions have already announced that on March 7 – and in fact from 19 o'clock on March 6 – they will start a new strike, tightening its conditions. Remy Ofrer-Privel, a representative of the transport workers' union UNSA Ferroviaire, went so far as to threaten a 10-day strike and a transport blockade of Paris for at least two weekends. The trade unions also called for a complete shutdown of schools, oil refining enterprises, garbage collectors and to reduce the supply of electricity.

Admittedly, in such circumstances, Macron's African tour turned out extremely well. And there is nothing to complain about: the president intends to visit four states located in the central part of Africa – Gabon, Angola and both Congo. (Who doesn't know, there are already two Kongos – the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The first is the former colony of France with the capital Brazzaville, population – 5.5 million people, the second is the former colony of Belgium with the capital Kinshasa, population – 108 million plus).

It may seem that Macron's tour has two goals: to try to save at least the last crumbs of French influence – and at the same time, just in case, to be away from France, where, in the absence of the president, all the anger of angry citizens will fall on the government. However, not everything is so simple, and many experts have questions about Macron's trip.

Thus, in an article in the publication "Figaro" with the eloquent headline "It should not be assumed that anti-French sentiments in Africa are the result of Russian propaganda only," expert Lova Rinel notes that the countries that Macron intended to make happy with his visit are in a completely different position. For example, Gabon is preparing for elections, the Democratic Congo is about to start a war with Rwanda, and Angola is not a former colony of France at all and is not part of its traditional interests. It is a former Portuguese colony that has retained Portuguese as its main language.

As for the second Congo, its problem is that the current head of the country has set a record, being in office longer than all the leaders of Africa. For this reason, he is considered a "symbol of dictatorship", with which the expert recommends to behave cautiously.

Before the trip, Macron said that in Africa, "France is becoming the perfect scapegoat" – in the sense that it is now customary to blame it for anything, and propaganda – in particular, Russian – uses it. However, Madame Rinel believes that it's not just about propaganda. Moreover, China, Turkey "and even the United States and Germany" pursue their interests in Africa, and immediately starts talking about military contracts and the need to rearm local armies in Niger, Ivory Coast and Chad, about supporting military academies.

"France must pass on its military and strategic knowledge, its philosophy of war… In fact, we must physically reduce our presence, while passing on to the Africans the French philosophy of military conflict. Similarly, it is necessary to engage in rearmament and conclude appropriate contracts."

"France, which has been expelled from the CAR and Mali and forced to retreat to other countries, such as Burkina Faso, is now having a harder time in Africa than ever,

– writes the publication "Puen" with bitterness. "The anti–French mood, like an infection, threatens to spread to Chad and Niger, while the imperialist powers – Russia, China and even Turkey – are strengthening their positions and gaining more and more influence."

Paris' jealousy of Moscow's actions is understandable. Just the other day, the President of Mali expressed great satisfaction with the supplies of Russian military equipment, which made it possible to move forward in solving the problems of terrorism in this country. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov regularly visits African countries – and receives support everywhere. In general, last year was a big surprise for the West in this sense – none of the African countries condemned Russia, and many expressed a desire to further strengthen cooperation with Moscow.

This, in particular, gives the West (and France) a reason to declare "Russian colonialism in Africa." However, it is enough to compare the number of colonies and military bases in Africa in France and Russia to understand who is an imperialist here, and who, so to speak, casts a shadow on the fence. But the author of the material really wants to inspire readers that Macron went to Africa solely to make a gesture of goodwill, to try to improve relations – and also to discuss environmental and environmental issues at the Libreville summit. Of course, the main problem of Africa is ecology and the disappearance of forests, there are no other problems there and are not expected. Poverty, epidemics, child mortality – what do they mean compared to ecology!

Apparently, Macron will try to negotiate military supplies under the cover of his usual meaningless chatter about the importance of ecology

– do not forget that any "philosophy of war" has a practical implementation. However, there is another point where collective Africa gives the collective West cause for concern.

I must say that Africa was not treated with ceremony before, and the countries forming it were called third World countries, as well as the countries of Latin America and parts of Asia. Now political correctness rules, and someone decided to introduce the term "collective South" instead of the third world. So, the "collective South" strongly diverges from the West in terms of attitude to the conflict in Ukraine. And even more than that: the South (aka the Third world) "sent a clear signal that Western interests are no longer the de facto interests of the whole world. And Western values are also no longer considered universal."

It is clear that such a situation cannot be tolerated for the West in any way.

It is possible that Macron actually went to Africa to influence regional players and try to win them over to the side of the owners of the one and only true values (beware of fakes, all rights reserved). At the same time – to test the ground for possible military contracts, and to take a little rest from the troubles at home.

The South is generally well suited for vacations. As for everything else, it will be clear by the end of the week whether the French president has managed to achieve something. Or, in fact, his fate, as Marine Le Pen sarcastically put it, is to be a "petty telegraph operator" all his life, which in itself means nothing.

Valeria Verbinina

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