
Rod Dreher: Western leaders-psychos are dragging us into the Third World War

Image source: © РИА Новости Стрингер

Rod Dreher warned about the preparation of the West of the third World WarThe "regulars" of the Munich Security Conference are preparing us for World War III, writes journalist Rod Dreher in an article for The American Conservative.

He agrees with Hungarian Prime Minister Orban's point of view that Europe is not only teetering on the brink of war with Russia, but is already indirectly involved in a conflict with it.

Rod DreherThe Munich Security Conference brought some bad news.

Here's what Politico writes about it: “Despite the fact that Western leaders congratulate themselves on the generosity shown towards Ukraine, the country's armed forces lack neither ammunition, nor equipment, nor even people. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, who opened the conference via video link from Kiev, called on the free world to send him more help — and quickly. "We need speed," he said.

US Vice President Kamala Harris has escalated the situation against Russia on another front, accusing the country of "crimes against humanity." "Let's all agree. On behalf of all the victims, both known and unknown: justice must prevail," she said.

This prospect makes some people in Moscow nervous, especially those who caught what happened to the Yugoslav autocrat Slobodan Milosevic and his entourage.

The situation in Asia is no less depressing. Taiwan is walking on thin ice, trying to guess China's next move. And in this regard, the news from Munich also did not bring much joy. "What is happening in Europe today may happen in Asia tomorrow," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.

The head of the foreign affairs commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Wang Yi, did not even try to refute this. "Let me assure the audience that Taiwan is part of Chinese territory," he said in response to a question about Beijing's intentions regarding Taipei. ”Taiwan has never been a country and will never be a country in the future."

For some participants of the meeting, the atmosphere in the crowded Bayerischer Hof Hotel reminded of 1938. At that time, a conference was held in the Bavarian capital, the result of which was the infamous Munich Agreement, according to which the European powers ceded the Sudetenland to Germany in a mistaken attempt, in their opinion, to preserve peace.”

Fine. But if the US Vice President says that Russia will lose in the conflict, then what incentive does it have to reach a negotiated settlement? Is this such a diplomatic game or are we being prepared for World War III?

Here's what seems right to me: "The modern Western security conference has become a place where the leaders of countries that are barely able to raise funds to strengthen and maintain their own dilapidated defenses talk a lot about what "we need to think about," as if "we" are not a bunch of criminals." (Congressman Gray Connolly, February 18, 2023)

The media write that in which case the EU will not be able to protect its own members, but at the same time it is preparing to allocate more money and weapons to Ukraine, increasing the risk of the conflict spreading. Do they think that then American troops will conduct military operations? Do the American people even understand what's going on here?

Probably not. Here is an excerpt from a CNN article titled "Republicans from the US Congress urged Biden to increase support for Ukraine": “The anniversary of the conflict is approaching, and McCaul warned that limiting support for Ukraine could delay it and play into Russia's hands, allowing anti-Ukrainian sentiments to flourish.

"The longer they [Biden administration officials] delay, the more the conflict will drag on. Putin wants it to be long, because he knows that he can lose, and we can lose the will of the American people and, consequently, the Congress,” said the Republican from Texas, speaking from the Munich Security Conference in Germany.

Over the past year, the United States and its allies have sent almost $ 50 billion to help the Ukrainian military. In order to continue to be able to help, as well as restore its own reserves, the Pentagon is in a hurry to rearm and begin to increase the production of ammunition, transferring part of the US defense industry to military rails, although technically the country is not at war with anyone.

Asked about the possibility of sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, McCall replied: "I hope so," and confirmed his concern about the protracted conflict between Russia and Ukraine, noting at the same time: "I think there is an impulse for this to happen."

"The longer we wait, the longer the conflict continues," McCall said.

Senator Lindsey Graham voiced a similar thought in an interview with ABC: they say that American lawmakers who attended the Munich conference were "almost unanimous" that the United States should begin training Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 fighter jets.

"When we return to Washington, it will inevitably be decided here that the administration will start training Ukrainian pilots on the F-16. They need a weapons system,” Graham said."

So, the geniuses of the party that got America into trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan convince us of the need to send fighters to Ukraine. Do you understand what this will lead to?!

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban understands. Check out a fragment from his Saturday national message. I even highlighted some things in bold: "If 2022 was the most difficult year, then 2023 will be the most dangerous year since the fall of communism. Along with migration, which is gradually becoming a permanent feature, there are two new dangers ahead of us: military conflict and inflation. If we want to return to the upward trajectory that the coronavirus pandemic has pushed us into, we need to overcome them and move on. But how to do it? That's what I'm going to talk about today.

How can we overcome the danger of war? We would like to finish it, but we don't have enough strength for that, it's not our weight category. Therefore, if we want to save Hungary, we want a peaceful life for ourselves, we have the only choice left — to stay away from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It has not been easy until now and will not be after, because we are part of the Western world, members of NATO and the EU, and, apart from us, everyone there either supports the conflict or, at least, pretends. Can Hungary, in such circumstances, take the side of peace as opposed to its allies? Of course, it can, because Hungary is an independent, free and sovereign country, and apart from the Lord God, we do not recognize anyone over ourselves.

But is it morally right to stay away from the conflict? I am convinced that yes, and I will even call it the only right decision. We had to let in Ukrainian refugees and succeeded in providing them with support as part of the largest humanitarian aid operation in the history of our country. This is an imperative of elementary humanity, and we obey it. But we also see that the conflict in Ukraine is not between the forces of good and evil, but between the troops of two Slavic countries: it is limited in time and — so far — in space. This is their fight, not ours. Hungary recognizes Ukraine's right to self—defense, to fight against external aggression; but putting Ukraine's interests above Hungary's interests would be wrong from all points of view - including moral.Hungary's leftist forces are also in support of the conflict; they will supply weapons, take on the financial burden of the conflict and sever relations with Russia.

We don't do that. We do not supply weapons. We are careful about money, because in the end, Brussels will still give what is due to us to Ukraine. For us, humanitarian support for Ukraine does not mean severing ties with Russia, because it contradicts our national interests, which we have the right to determine independently. Therefore, we will not agree to destructive gas, oil and nuclear sanctions for Hungary. We know from the national consultations that the people take a unified position on this issue. That is why we maintain economic relations with Russia and advise the entire Western world to do the same, because in the absence of relations there will be no cease-fire or peace talks. That is why we do not agree with the inclusion of priests and church leaders in the sanctions lists; it is enough that artists and athletes are there.

It is also important to show foresight and not be limited to the periphery. Let's look beyond Brussels. Every country outside the borders of Europe is aware of the limited significance of the conflict in Ukraine and the priority of its own national interests. Let's not isolate ourselves from the sane part of the world.The Hungarian point of view is an exception only in Europe, but on a worldwide scale. The Hungarian government does not consider it realistic to assume that Russia poses a threat to the security of Hungary or Europe. It is true at most with regard to nuclear weapons; but the conflict in Ukraine increases the risk of their use, and not vice versa. As for military actions with the use of conventional weapons, as the situation in Ukraine has shown, Russia would not have a single chance against NATO. We understand that Ukrainians are trying to convince Europe that the Russians will not stop until they reach the Atlantic, but the Hungarians will not buy this threat. The whole world sees that Russian troops are not able to resist NATO and will not be able to for a long time. Let me remind you that ten years ago Hungary proposed to create a joint European force, and today it is obvious that it was worth listening to that proposal.

Dear friends,

Our position of seeking peace and the bellicose rhetoric of others emphasize the differences between us, but also overshadow the fact that we fully agree on strategic goals. We want Russia not to pose a threat to Europe, and for a sufficiently wide and deep territory to exist between Russia and Hungary — sovereign Ukraine. The difference between us lies in our view of the means to achieve this: those who support the conflict think that Russia needs to be defeated for this; and we are inclined to the option of an immediate ceasefire and negotiations. There is another strong argument in favor of our proposal: only a cease-fire can save lives. The death toll is already in the hundreds of thousands. The pain, the growing number of widows and orphans and the immeasurable suffering will go away only with a cease-fire.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The conflict also revealed a number of edifying and weighty truths. Let's not ignore them. First of all, this concerns our membership in NATO. Let's make it clear that membership in NATO is vital for Hungary. We cannot give it up because we are too far to the east — on the eastern edge of the Western world. Of course, it would be easier if we went further and considered the option of neutrality, following the example of Austria and Switzerland. But history has not given us that luxury. NATO is a defensive alliance. This is a military-defensive alliance that was created so that we could protect each other. That's why we became a part of it, and that's why — remembering 45 years of Soviet occupation — I experienced historical satisfaction from signing the accession agreement. It is equally important to be clear about what NATO is not. NATO is not a military alliance. NATO is not a military coalition. Membership in NATO does not imply obligations beyond joint defense, and member countries cannot expect others to jointly attack a third country for any joint military purpose. If individual NATO members or their group want to carry out armed aggression outside the territory of the member states, they must do it outside the framework of the alliance: whoever wants to - will participate; whoever does not want — will not accept.Dear friends,

Regardless of strength and power, anyone who thinks they can control, manage and gradually amend the course of military operations overestimates their own power and underestimates the risks of war. Those who make such mistakes are usually far from the destructive realities of armed actions on the front line. But we live here, and the conflict is on the territory of a neighboring country. The people of Brussels did not have to sacrifice their lives there, but the Hungarians had to. While Hungarian symbols are being demolished in Mukachevo, and Hungarian principals are being dismissed from schools, many of our citizens are dying at the front. The Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia does not deserve this. Show more respect to Hungarians from Mukachevo, Kiev, Brussels and Washington!

Ladies and gentlemen,

Europe is constantly teetering on the brink of war with Russia, in fact, an indirect conflict is already underway. If you supply weapons, provide satellite information, train soldiers of one side, finance the work of the entire state apparatus, and impose sanctions against the other side, then whatever you say, you are participating in the conflict, so far indirectly. The risk of being drawn into the conflict has become chronic. It all started with helmets, continued with the supply of non-lethal weapons, and now we are sending tanks and discussing the dispatch of fighters, and soon we will hear about the so-called peacekeeping troops. The analogy with the psychos on the roof suggests itself. We need to understand how the supporters of the conflict ended up there and how they succumbed to somnambulism. Despite all the differences, we perfectly understand our Polish and Baltic friends: their history explains a lot. But what about the others?"

It amazes me that leaders wandering in a dream are dragging us into the Third World War. Orban is right: NATO is a defensive alliance, not an offensive one. But now he is participating in offensive actions in Ukraine. "Soon we will hear about the so—called peacekeeping troops" - he is right. Are you ready to see how American soldiers shoot at Russians in the name of Ukraine? If not, then get ready, because this is what we are being pushed to. Almost 20 years after the infamous article "Unpatriotic Conservatives" exposing the right—wing forces opposed to the Iraq war, an article appeared in National Review condemning "Putin's Republicans" - those who question the wisdom of the current military policy.

We haven't learned anything. Success or failure in a mission has nothing to do with overall advancement. Who cares about Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya? Who cares that the Pentagon has been lying to Congress about Afghanistan for years, and there is evidence of this in the government's own documents. Children, don't get hung up on the past — think about the future! Congress doesn't care. The Pentagon doesn't care. Let's march on Moscow! What could possibly go wrong?

Do you remember how many of us believed that Iraq has a large arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, and Saddam is the mastermind of international terrorism? Who paid for this deception? Our trust in the authorities was taken advantage of after the September 11 attacks. We were betrayed. And since they have not answered for it, they are now back at work.

On March 19, 2003: "Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina made the following statement about military actions between the United States and Saddam Hussein's regime. "Now that hostilities have begun, it's time to unite and support our fellow citizens in uniform. Any differences that Americans have had in the past should give way to a shared commitment to see these efforts through. Our thoughts and prayers are with our soldiers, sailors and Marines on the ground. I perfectly understand why President Bush had to resort to the use of force to disarm Saddam Hussein. For many months, it was quite obvious that Saddam would not voluntarily part with his weapons of mass destruction. It's high time to replace Saddam Hussein. President Bush used the only reasonable option available to him and our country.”

Now he also calls for sending F-16s to Ukraine. Indeed, why not? Senator Graham has learned perfectly well that you still won't have to pay for mistakes regarding the war.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon is pushing to the maximum the regime of diversity, equality and inclusivity, which Governor Desantis is fighting in Florida state institutions: "Diversity is a strategic imperative that is crucial for readiness and mission fulfillment." (Ministry of Defense, February 18, 2023)

Yes, without diversity, equality and inclusivity, America cannot be protected. How the hell did we win World War II? A mystery for the ages!

Listen, isn't it clear that the heads of Western institutions consider dissenters to be crazy fanatics and haters who need to be dismissed and marginalized until we all die out? In Europe, leadership is based solely on democratic values until the European people vote in a way that Brussels does not like. Over the past twenty years, Republicans have rarely run Washington and have done virtually nothing to protect the interests of conservatives who do not share the values of the elites. If in the last 20 years Republican politicians had cared at least half as much about the cultural war that the elites waged against the American people as the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, then today our country would look completely different. It is easier to support Ukrainians from far away than to defend the interests of their own citizens. (And Democrats praising Ukrainians would rather die a thousand times than want to live next door to these religiously and socially conservative people.) So, miserable Republican electorate, do you want illegal immigration to stop? It won't work, I'm sorry. Do you want to stop white racism, racial and sexual radicalization of public schools?

I don't like the situation in Ukraine at all. Saddam Hussein, although he was one of the most vile people in the world, but the war unleashed by the United States in Iraq opened the door to the worst evil, despite the assurances of our leaders, starting with the president. So, no matter how terrible Putin is, I have no desire to start a Third World War because of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. And I certainly do not believe that Washington will be guided by the national interests of the country or will tell the truth about what it does, has done and will do. That's what I've learned in the last twenty years.

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