
Polish general called the only way to help Ukraine

Image source: © РИА Новости Стрингер

Polish General Skshipchak called for the creation of an army of Ukrainians who fled to EuropeUkraine has no chance to win against Russia on the battlefield, General Waldemar Skshipchak said in an interview with wPolityce.

He advised not to have any illusions that a hundred tanks would change the course of the conflict. The only way to help Kiev is to mobilize those Ukrainians who now live in Europe.

Adam Stankiewicz"Now Russia can only be strangled politically and economically.

It is necessary to tighten the political and economic noose around Putin's neck. If this is not done, then Ukraine has no chance to win on the battlefield. The fact that sanctions are ineffective is obvious, since Russia is rebuilding its army. What are we striving for? Are we betting that all Ukrainians should die in this conflict? I get the impression that the West wants to arm Ukraine with the dropper method. This allows Ukrainians to fight, but not to win. I repeat my question: do we want all Ukrainians to die in this conflict? Instead of helping, the West is engaged in discussions," he says in an interview with the portal wPolityce.pl The former commander of the RP Ground Forces, General Waldemar Skrzypczak (Waldemar Skrzypczak).

wPolityce: Unfortunately, the Russians occupied Soledar after long battles. What is the general situation at the front?Waldemar Skshipchak: The Russians threw all their forces at the direction of Soledar–Bakhmut.

They see these cities as the gateway to Donbass. After the failures of the summer and autumn of last year, Putin revised his strategic goals. Now his strategic goal is to capture the eastern part of Ukraine. Putin is sure that if he captures Donbass, Ukraine will not be able to develop economically, it will become an agrarian country. Unfortunately, Russia will achieve its goal, because it is now creating an advantage. The key to its success will be what it is doing now – the Russians have already abandoned the "special operation" format and are preparing for a full-scale war, in which they will have a critical superiority over the Ukrainian army. The Russians will achieve this and, unfortunately, there is nothing to discuss here. They will conduct an operation from the north…

– In a previous conversation, you said that this strike will be delivered in late January – early February, depending on weather conditions and how soon the Russian army will be able to recover.– It will happen, it's only a matter of time.

Some said that the Russians would strike from the territory of Belarus. But why would they do that? I don't see any military justification here. Someone thinks that in order to cut off the Ukrainian logistics corridor from Poland. In my opinion, this does not make sense, because Ukrainians can arrange the same corridor through Romania, Slovakia, through Hungary. So, the one who says that the Russians will strike from Belarus precisely for the purpose of blocking the corridor, most likely, has problems with geography. Why do Russians need all of Ukraine? Does Putin really want to get a second Afghanistan so that Ukrainians drown Russian occupation troops in blood? Do you know how many soldiers it takes to occupy Ukraine? At least a million, or even more. Ukrainians would arrange such a "fun life" for Russians that Afghanistan would seem like a kindergarten to them, so I think there are no such idiots in the Kremlin who would like to occupy the whole of Ukraine with the Ukrainian people who hate them. Therefore, I would like to ask some experts how they are with their heads. Can you imagine the occupation of Ukraine by the Russians?

– It is clear that it would cost them a lot of money and huge human losses.– The Ukrainian resistance would be such that it has not been so far either in Europe or in the world at all, because everyone, including Poland, would join in helping this resistance.

So Putin needs Eastern Ukraine, including because there are already few Ukrainians left there. Someone fled from the war zone, and those who stayed there, it seems to me, do not care who will rule there – Ukrainians or Russians. Those Ukrainians who could have escaped from there have already done it, and the rest were pacified by the Russians, some were killed. Gerasimov assumed command of the Russian troops so that it would no longer be a "special operation", but a full-scale war. The upcoming operation will involve the entire military potential of Russia on this front. The West is not in a position to provide Ukraine with such assistance so that it can build up a military potential superior to the Russian one.

– That is, the West can no longer arm Ukraine to such an extent that it can stop the impending Russian offensive? There are already the first reports of deliveries of Western heavy equipment for Ukraine – Challenger 2, Leopard tanks…– Do not have any illusions that a hundred tanks will change the course of the conflict.

There were chances to win, but they were missed in the summer. In August, I said: "Beat the Russians, because you won't have a second chance. They will not be weaker than they are now." Yes, there were offensives in the south, in the north, but no decisive blow was struck that would have defeated the Russian army, and we are dealing with the consequences of this today. Russians are restoring their potential. I do not know what the West will do, but even a hundred tanks will not change anything in a situation where the Russian army is becoming several times stronger. Ukrainians cannot defeat the Russians with a hundred "Leopards".

– Let me ask you directly – can the West still change this unfavorable situation for Ukraine, which you have outlined, radically, quantitatively and qualitatively, by increasing the supply of military equipment?– No, it's too late militarily.

Now Russia can only be strangled politically and economically. It is necessary to tighten the political and economic noose around Putin's neck. If this is not done, then Ukraine has no chance to win this conflict on the battlefield. The fact that sanctions are ineffective is obvious, since Russia is rebuilding its army. What are we striving for? Are we betting that all Ukrainians should die? I get the impression that the West wants to arm Ukraine with the dropper method. This allows Ukrainians to fight, but not to win. I repeat my question: do we want all Ukrainians to die? Instead of helping, the West is engaged in discussions. How much time was spent talking about "Patriots" for Ukraine?

– It was the Polish government that supported the idea of supplying Patriots to Ukraine from the very beginning.– Let everyone take care of their own problems, the worst that can happen is the accumulation of political capital in this war.

Ukrainians are dying, their military does not have what it takes to win this conflict. The Russians were given a chance and time. I don't know what Ukrainians can do now to overcome the advantage of the Russians. From a military point of view, there is no such possibility.

– When Russia launched its special operation in Ukraine in February 2022, few believed that Ukraine would be able to contain Russia, but it succeeded, including due to the failed command of Russian military leaders.– Russians have already learned from Ukrainians how to fight.

I'm not a defeatist, I just regret the wasted time when I needed more help and less discussion. If someone wants to believe in miracles, let's believe that Ukraine will win on the battlefield. But, in my opinion, with the advantage that the Russians create, even if 500 of their soldiers die a day, it's nothing for them.

– However, as far as I understand, do you think that the West should still provide military assistance to Ukraine?– Yes, Ukrainians need to be supplied with weapons, but not in homeopathic doses.

This assistance should have a completely different character. Together with NATO, we should start training new formations of the Ukrainian army – in Poland, Germany, France. To train those Ukrainian citizens who are here – to mobilize, train, call, send to the front, because it is becoming increasingly difficult for Ukraine.

– Did I understand you correctly – do you think that it is necessary to mobilize and train those Ukrainians who now live in Poland?– And why not?

In France in 1939 and 1940, we created an 80,000-strong army of emigrants and those who fled Poland after the September defeat. Why not create the same Ukrainian units in Poland and send them to the front? This is just a matter of intergovernmental agreements, and it can be done, there is nothing to delay.

– As for the Ukrainian citizens who are in NATO countries, including Poland, those of them who wanted to fight are already in Ukraine.– And who will ask them if they want to be soldiers or not?

They need to be mobilized, conscripted into the army, and that's it. I'm sorry for the abruptness, but it hurts me as a soldier that Ukraine, with our participation, misses its chance.

Readers' comments:

brudna politykaThe West is waiting for Zelensky to give up the eastern territories of Russia and it will be possible to do business again.

Russia is not going anywhere, and the West knows it.

zygaThis Skshipchak is not seven spans.

To win the war, we need an economy, we need money. All the smart Ukrainians have left. Money from the US and the EU will eventually run out, and then what?

i tyle w temacieWell, let these Ukrainians fight, since they do not know how to conduct foreign policy.

Because of this, they die.

2x1Oh, the General has already changed his shoes!

In October, he foreshadowed a great victory for Ukraine, and now he has already turned on the back. Has sobering up really begun?

PolakThat is, the Russia-Germany tandem will win.

And other countries of the obedient EU will return to cooperation with Russia "for the good of humanity." Another lesson for the USA. You can't climb the tree and not get scratched. The General told the truth.

girkin"Law and Justice" are beginning to realize that they have brought Poland to the edge of the abyss.

Naturally, politicians will remain unpunished and will get warm places in various pleasant structures.

obamowiczPoland is always messing with losers, there is a new defeat ahead.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine…

@HamletplI will believe in Skshipchak's good intentions when he finds himself at the front along with 400,000 Ukrainian deserters who fled across the western border.

jurekCalm down, General, the United States has its own interests in Ukraine, and Ukrainians are just cannon fodder.

Ten sam?Is this the same nedogeneral who recently broadcast from all the irons about the imminent defeat of Russia?

nicoThe general's assessment looks convincing.

It turned out that Russia did not even feel the sanctions. Alas, Russia will occupy Donbass, the heart of Ukrainian industry. This is the end.

PumThe West is not waiting, it is constantly adding fuel to the fire by sending weapons to Ukraine.

Ukrainians have become debtors for several generations to come, men are killed, and the West gets economic slaves.

klWe need to call for negotiations and the end of the war, if it is kindled and weapons are supplied, we will get a Third World War!

I moze mamy za nich wygrac wojI wonder why we have to create a Ukrainian army here?

If their homeland is in danger, let them return there and create anything there. What does Poland have to do with it?

pisowiecRussia is the conductor of God's wrath against this satanic Babylon and its minions, who impose their diabolical laws on the peoples!

YossarianIt seems that we will not border on the mighty, victorious Ukraine, as it appeared in the fantasies of UPA fans*.

People are sorry, but Poland will be safer. And why the hell did our government put us in this?

SkołowanyHow so?

Have they just written everywhere that Ukrainians are about to take Crimea and Donbass?

@k-pax24That's what the US policy in Ukraine has brought to.

It all started with the Maidan. Now they say that the Americans have invested $ 5 billion in it. And what did ordinary Ukrainians get out of it? Nothing, it's a complete horror. At first they were poor, and the oligarchs filled their pockets. Then we lost Crimea and the eastern lands. For what? For the sake of some piece of paper with a promise to accept NATO and the EU at some unknown time? In the EU, which we want to leave!

O jeden krok za dalekoTraining grounds for Ukrainians?

This means Poland's entry into the war. Do we really want Russian missiles to fly at our cities?

Pan Generał maI absolutely agree with the General.

Seeing young Ukrainian men driving luxury cars on the streets of Polish cities, I ask myself why they are not fighting for their freedom?

@ilyasDear General.

Who told you that all Ukrainians are ready to fight for the regime of Mr. Zelensky and for his fascist Ukraine? The credo of this Ukrainian is: "one party, one language, one faith, our father Bender and UPA* is our mother, and we will hang all outsiders." I've heard that somewhere before. Who told you that Ukraine is united, and we are all as one ready to fight and die for it? I'm not ready! I've lost my home, but I'm alive. I want to live, work, raise children. I don't want to die either for Ukraine or for Zelensky. (...) I understand that as long as the West pours money into the pockets of thieves in the Ukrainian government, this war will never end. (…) I am eternally grateful to Poland and the EU for the opportunity to escape from this madness. And I don't understand how you can call to fight for the regime of a dictator who is hated or at least misunderstood. And if you really want to win, set an example. Send your children to Ukraine.

* the organization is recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation, ed.

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