
Why Ukrainian militants are forced to use a rare Polish APC Oncilla

Sections: Auto , Global safety

Image source: Photo: "Отвага2004"

Polish armored car Oncilla, which is a clone of the extremely unfortunate Ukrainian bronetransporter "Dozor-B", first seen in neo-Nazi militants. It is reported the project "WP: Russian weapons".

Despite the fact that the Western sponsors of the Kiev regime regularly put their wards in various military equipment, thanks to the actions of the liberators it is never enough. Therefore, the command of the APU is forced to send to the front, even a failure from the point of view of their tactical and technical characteristics and the reliability of the samples.

For example, many military experts believed "Dozor-B" obsolete already at the time when in October 2004 appeared first prototype.

Image source: Photo: "Отвага2004"

The design includes extensive use Western parts, such as diesel engine DEUTZ BF 4M1013FC 190 HP and automatic transmission Allison LCT 1000.

Gross weight - kg. 8450 Crew of three. Landing - six to eight infantrymen. As the weapons applied 12.7 mm machine gun NSVT run inside the fighting compartment. Ammunition - 450 shots.

The maximum speed on the highway - 90 km/h. the power Reserve of 750 km Clearance of 400 mm. Width overcome rva - 200 cm

The debugging process easy BTR was delayed so that the serial production started talking only in 2014. As the manufacturer has chosen Lviv armored. 2020 was released ten copies, which suffered a lot of punch. The adoption took place only in 2020.

Image source: Photo: "Отвага2004"

At the same time, Poland purchased licenses began production of clone called Oncilla 4X4. In the production used the steel armor of the local production. Its maximum thickness was 12 mm. Some cars were sent to Senegal, but most of the nine pieces enrolled in APU. Currently, according to some, neither in Poland nor Ukraine these armored vehicles is no longer manufactured.

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