
The coalition of the G7 countries and Australia agreed to introduce a ceiling on prices for Russian oil


Image source: topwar.ru

The ceiling prices for Russian oil yet to be introduced, the decision was taken by the G7 countries and joined him Australia. The agreement will enter into force in November, and finally finalizarea in early December of this year. About it reports Reuters with reference to sources.

So, the countries "Big seven", namely the UK, Germany, Italy, Canada, USA, France, Japan and joined them Australia introduced a "price ceiling" on Russian oil. The final price at which those countries are going to buy Russian energy resources, is not yet defined, but to do so they plan this month. Previously, it was about 40 to 60 dollars per barrel, but what will be the final price is still unknown.

The coalition agreed on a fixed price ceiling, which will be regularly assessed

- said the source.

The coalition plans to regularly revise the price of crude oil that would "stabilize" the market. Finally, the limitations of oil will come into force in December of petroleum products in February. Attempt to set a ceiling price for gas was not supported.

Moscow has already warned that Russia will not sell oil at a loss, those countries that establish a price ceiling on oil, more than it receives. One-sided limit in energy prices is a violation of the contract, so Russia has the right to their breakup and the termination of the supply.

At the same time, experts believe that the introduction of a "price cap" on the Russian oil will not limit its presence in the global market, there are many ways these sanctions to get around. At the same time, the largest buyers of Russian oil to China and India strongly against the imposition of price ceiling and not supported this initiative.

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