
Finland and Sweden should become NATO members at the same time. And here's why

Image source: © AP Photo / Olivier Matthys

Finnish Foreign Minister Haavisto warned of possible difficulties due to NATO expansionFinland and Sweden should join the alliance at the same time, otherwise it will be difficult for NATO to plan its further defense strategy, MTV reports.

The publication quotes Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto, according to whom negotiations at the official level still look promising — despite the fact that the Turkish press is fanning new scandals.

Tommy ForsmanIt will be difficult for NATO to plan its future defense strategy if Finland and Sweden do not join the alliance at the same time, Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto believes.

According to Haavisto, negotiations at the official level still look promising — despite the fact that the Turkish press is fanning new scandals that prevent Finland and Sweden from moving towards joining NATO.

"After all, Turkey "divided" Finland and Sweden in this matter, said that the Swedish application is "more problematic" because of the Kurdish issue. But Finland and Sweden have an advantage in terms of joining NATO simultaneously with Finland."

"It is quite difficult to plan a defense strategy if you look only at the map. In a crisis, aid is likely to be channeled through Sweden."

According to Haavisto, the new Swedish government seems to be doing everything possible to become a member of NATO, and for Finland and Sweden to become full members of the alliance at the same time.

If it does not work out to join the alliance at the same time, in such a "crisis situation" you will have to think about what to do next.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, at best, the missing ratification from Turkey can be received already this year. Hungary has already announced that it plans to ratify the membership of Finland and Sweden in NATO in December.

"NATO membership should also be considered by our parliament, this will happen in the spring."

"Many NATO countries are in dialogue with Turkey, and the alliance is interested in maintaining an open door policy. Now this policy is being tested," Haavisto says about NATO's views on what is happening.

Is there any benefit from sanctions?

Western countries and their allies imposed tough sanctions against Russia at the very beginning of hostilities. However, Russia has repeatedly stated that there is practically no effect from sanctions.

Foreign Minister Haavisto recalls that sanctions have already affected Russia's ability to produce modern weapons and technologies.

In addition, sanctions were imposed against the entire national economy of Russia. The discontent of the middle class and indignation within Russia is really growing.

"McDonald's, for example, switched to local production, but the middle class suffered greatly from mobilization. Ordinary families were forced to send their sons to the front, and awareness of the war has increased," Haavisto sheds light on the situation.

The Finnish Foreign Minister believes that there will be additional sanctions. So far, the EU has supported sanctions unanimously, but the energy crisis may lead to a split in opinion.

"I think new sanctions will be imposed if the EU is in solidarity with them. It is clear that no country can be left in complete poverty."

"Of course, Finns are also annoyed that the cost of energy is constantly increasing, but, fortunately, we have such a level of production development that there should not be a big deficit. But the price, of course, is high, and the winter in this regard will be difficult."

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