
Repubblica: Italy may supply Ukraine with medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems

Image source: министерство обороны Испании

The newspaper does not exclude that Italy and Spain may supply Ukraine with Aspide short-range anti-aircraft guided missilesROME, October 15.

/tass/. Italy, presumably, will supply Ukraine with Spada medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems. As the newspaper La Repubblica reported on Saturday, citing sources in NATO, such readiness was announced on Wednesday at a meeting of the alliance's defense ministers in Brussels.

At the Italian Air Force base in Rivolto, an inspection of the condition of the complexes stored in hangars has already begun, the publication claims. According to him, Spada were decommissioned in Italy and Spain a few months ago. As the newspaper explains, the decision on the supply of air defense systems will be made by the new Italian government, which may be headed by the leader of the Brothers of Italy party, George Meloni. She has repeatedly reaffirmed Kiev's support and declared her commitment to NATO and the EU.

The newspaper does not exclude that Italy and Spain may supply Kiev with Aspide short-range anti-aircraft guided missiles. According to the publication, these missiles may become a temporary solution "until Ukraine is equipped with more modern and powerful" weapons. As an example, the SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system is called.

Interdepartmental decrees of this kind do not require approval in the Italian Parliament, since it, with a small number of deputies who voted against, has already approved the decision to send weapons to Ukraine by the end of the year. The documents defined the list of weapons. Their list is classified. 

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