In the Chinese press: Europe without Russia faces deindustrialization


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Europe without Russia threatened to de-industrialization and large financial losses. This is the most pessimistic, but very plausible scenario.

This writes Ian Krikke in his article for the Chinese edition of Asia Times.

The press in China predict the loss of EU trillions of dollars of capital that were previously invested. In the end, we should expect a rapid and significant decline in the welfare of ordinary Europeans.

Add to this the fragile financial situation of many of the EU countries and rampant inflation and gloomy scenarios seem quite justified

- considers Krikke.

And if in Europe at the time did not realize the severity of the challenges facing them, they will have to solve on their own, after all, allies and business partners from Europe may not stay. The author believes that by that time, Moscow will probably finally preoriented to the East, and the United States is not up to European Affairs, as they will have too many of their own concerns. And then the EU will remain with their problems alone.

The price of Russia's losses incalculable

writes Krikke.

That the Europeans should not have to rely on the help of the United States in overcoming the energy crisis, hinted Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. She stated that America will not be able to provide them with the necessary quantity of LNG due to limited capacity. Therefore, Europe will get the "hard winter".

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